Danny Snelson

I am a writer, editor, and archivist. Most of my work investigates some variable configuration of these three terms. However, these tags tend to proliferate, expanding into a wide array of media, formats, and genres. These expansions index precisely the type of creative and scholarly work I hope the catalog on this site.

I am an Assistant Professor of English at UCLA. My online editorial work can be found on UbuWeb, PennSound, Eclipse, and Jacket2. I am the author of several books of scholarly creative writing, including Radios (Make Now Press, 2016), EXE TXT (Gauss PDF, 2015), Epic Lyric Poem (Troll Thread, 2015), and Inventory Arousal with James Hoff (Bedford Press/Architectural Association, 2011). With Mashinka Firunts and Avi Alpert, I work as one-third of the academic performance group Research Service.

In both writing and research, I place the study of contemporary poetics, material text, and digital culture in conversation with twentieth- and twenty-first century poetry, art, and cinema. As Daniel Scott Snelson, my book project The Little Database: A Poetics of Media Formats argues for materially-invested readings of works of print, sound, and cinema from within a new media context. Considering questions of scale, this study probes big data analysis on one hand, while operating in homage to the little magazine on the other. With a particular interest in the modes of media-specificity exercised by the historical avant-gardes, my research develops interdisciplinary tactics for addressing contemporary media practices. Articles, artworks, and performances on these topics have appeared widely, including venues such as Amodern, American Book Review, Centre Pompidou, Jacket2, Palais de Tokyo, The New Museum, and Brown University.

My inbox can be found at danny dot snelson at google mail.

Danny Snelson