Nature Abhors
(Four Favorite) Artists' Books (by Johanna Drucker) Online
An online repository of Digital Objects by Danny Snelson

From A to Z: Our An (Collective Specifics) an im partial bibliography, Incidents in a Non-Relationship or: how I came to not know who is (1977)

T H E " L T c 6 from OUR A N (Collective Specifics) an im partial bibliography INCIDENTS IN A NON-RELATIONSHIP or: how I came to not know who is o ,. L A N G u G E @ 1977 Chased : : : : : : : : :: Any resemblance to persons to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All rights reserved : No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever without written consent. A p p R o c H FOR My B-'REDS OF LEDDERS with grateful acknowledgment to the individuals for their continuing encouragement, kind assistance, worthwhile criticism, & endless patience in the preparation of this manuscript. IF THE~E HAD BEE" ANY OTHE~ POSSIBILiTY, DiFFE~ENT CONSEQVEl\'CES • bVT: I PA~fiCiPaTJON is NecessARiLY ELimiNATiVE, & 2 WHO GiVES A FVCKil\G SHiT ANYWAy? I J~EAN, JEEZ, WHY bOTHER TO GO THROVGh aLL ThaT ShiT? 3 'CEpT if !T's GO!n' TO MakE yOV aCTVaLLY FEEL REal GOOD 4 ThaT's ThE Diff!cVIT PART MOre AND ,~OrE, Of cOUrSE. 5 UnlESs IT's IIEVEr EVEN bEEN An ISSE, OF COURSE In WhICh cAsE ThE QUESTION nEVER cA tiE UP, AnD IF AND WHEN IT DID ITWAS DEALT WITH THROUGH THE CORRECT CHANNELS. 6 IF ONLY IT COULD 7 BY CONSIDERATE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE AND DIRECT INTENTION. 8 WHICH I HAVE HAD TO BUST MY ASS TO EVEN BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A CHANCE AT TRYING IT OUT JUST EV'£NTO GET ENOUGH OUT FROM UNDER TO COME TO THE REALIZATION OF THA T NEED, THAT RIGHT; 9 WHICH IS DIVINED AND MADE CLEAR THROUGH MEANS OF OTHER CONTACT; THE WORDS APPLAR AND SO ARE REAVEALED IN ALL THEIR FLAMING GLORY. 10 THE CONCEPTION WHICH INITIATES THE ACTIvIty COMPRISES AN JNltlAL DEFINItION OF tHE PARAMEtERS OF tHE WORK: II WHICH IS VER Y REALLY SO AWFULLY AWFULLY MUCH OF WHAt IS tRULY VERY VALUA. BLE AND fHAt'S FOR EVERYONE; 12 At LEASt HAt'S SOMethinG to ReALLY WORK on AS FAR AS It'S POSSIBLe to JUETIFY SUCh CONFUSION IN PeRSONAL TeRMS,. 13 IF NOThING eLSe AT ALL eVeR MANAGeS ITS MUMBLeD WAY INTO ThIS SILLY JUMBLe, AT LeASl 'lheRe WAS ThIS BIT OF sReTTY SOLID STUFF TO LOOK BACK ON WITh FOND. NeSS. 14 KeeP GOiNG,. JUST KelP ON KeePiN' ON WiThOUT ANY KiND OF QUeSTiON,. CAUSe DOiNG iSoF~aJ.iMUMeFFeCTiVeNeSS WhY WaSTe oUT oN USeLeSS TRnSh? 15 ShOULD Be a MoVe in The WaY of CoMPLeTe SaTiSFACToRY PeaCe of MiND aND The KNoWLeDGe of how To Be iN The Now MoMeNT. 16 So, hoNeY, KeeP CooL aND STaY wiTh it, cLwaYS iN the FLow, aNd RiDE oN ThE CRESt of that RUShinG waVE--EXUBERaNt PLEa- PLEaSuRe what OouLD Be MoRE FaNtaStiC? 17 no SuBStitutE FoR GooD hArd, hEAVy woRK: NoR FoR REwARdS whiCh iSSuE fRoM SuCh EffoRT; 18 As loNG As/ThE METhod pRoCEEdS wiTh ToTAlly CoNsciOus REs ONsiBiliTY fOR The QuAliTaTiVE nATuRE Of ThE parTCulARs ofiTs bEVEIOpM~ NT ANd ThE REaliZaTiON T aT TH~ACTiViTY is sYNCHROnOuS wiTH THE fORM, NECCt;ssARilY. 19 BuTiTHAs TO inTEGRATE, MAn,liKEifyOuCAN'TM KEiTAll fAll iN plACE And HOld TOGETHER iT JusTdON'TMAKEfT; iT's siMply GOT TO HAvE cOHER. ENcE TO REAlly GET THE iMAGE TO cOMMunicATE 20 But wHO GiVEs A flying lucK -L VEry- BOdy is Jus T TRying TO GiT ThEiR ROcKs Off whA TEVER wAy THEy cAn, As OftEn As pOSsiBlE - n illusiOn 'BOuT THAT 21 By AGGRessive cOnsumpTiOn of THe eXperience diGesTiOn is mAbe TO haPpen, wOw! 22 and because i wan T TO be aBle TO rememB r The really inTense mo- n,enTs (;£my lIfeIwanTTOwrlT aBOut Them as !nTImaTelyas my aBIlITy allOws. 23 wIThOUt wanTinG UndUE EMpMasls appearIng TO BE placEd On valuE Of rEfErencE I wIll alsO rEfUse any IdEr unlEss Is inCludEd somE InclU si v E EXpansIOn Of vOcaBuLeRy. 24 concErn fOR ad. vancE Of pOWEr usEd fOr prOGrEss Of hUman ThOuGht EvOLVEs frOm sEIZInG OpportunE mOmEnts tf knOWIng ApplicAbLE UsE 25 EspEcIALL7 UsEasinFErrEdinmAnIpULATIon, and UnIVErsAL sUcH A PrAcTicE,myfrEnd. 26 onLY mAkE AccESIBLEELEmEnSOfmYtH fOr PUBlIc EXPOSUrE cA USE fInAUY WHOEVEr cAn, WILL. DEADO'CAKESHUM A v o o A N c E v c c " a u L A R y TABLE OF CONTENTS ... IN TRO D U CTI 0 N: Arecollectivesummaryofthehistoryandtraditionsofpersonalvoice IT 8 E GIN S: assumptionsbasedonromanticscrapsojintriguir,~gandalluringnonknowledge A so MEl NT E NTI 0 N S: spontaneous;Boston;Radclffe;twobooks&stillgoingvrystrong A READ IN G: pretensedevelopedthroughasser'-iveneedtomakeademonstrationofautonomy B OKAY OKA Y: chugwastedLAhighschooldropout'earlypublishingsuccessinNY OUT DRI N KI N G: ignoranceast;emeanstoestablishathreshholdjordevelopingapOwer C MY BIG MAC; swaggerfromtheMidwesthashismastersdegreeofcourreplumber N OTH I N G M 0 R E: smokescreendenialasdejledtionojsomeactuallyveryacuteinteretinit D TRUMP; cleverfromCanadahasservlcebacegroundBSanbprintlDllfamily HOT PER FOR MAN C E: latencyobservm'vedinaconcentratedtightlyjocusedattention E THIS IS OF: privilegedYalelvyleaguealIThewayThEbEsTofcoDnEcTions I NT ERE S T: egocentricityesteemedasdejinitepersonalvirtueseemstocOnjerrealvalidatOn F WOMAN WHO LIKED; isO/aTEdMFAfrOmsTaTEjustgeTT/ngpublishEd C R U S H; cOntrivanceasdiversiOntOhOpejullyeliminatepervasivecOntinuingsexualennui G & PLANE FACED ouTThEreBakErsfiEldMFAdOEsarTadm/aisTraTiOIl DR EA M S; sublimatiOnaNdthedensejaNtasyOjwhatactualiNteractiOncONsistsOjmaybe H A REASON WHY' selfindulgentNYcOllegedrOpOuthipJJieoOesmimeOstuff AN ACT; establishiNgc6ntactthrOughveryremOvedcndveyydistantelusivearbitrarymeaNs I HYMN TO HER: mysticfromDetrOitBAaslavishpoeTgroupiesTucliesmagic I NTERACTI 0 N: COy ess,cOmiNginquickfOmtheOuTfieldTOmakesOm~kindOfaplay J INVENT: upTighTiPAloAITo:MATEAcHES;wl(iTeS~cAdemicCriTicism EXC ITEM ENT: cOndesciOnaNdtheraTiOnaliziOgAwayOFTheaLreaDyQuiTeObviOuS K HEARTSONG: senTimenTa/:NYinOTmuch:hungoutearlywiThBiggiEs o B S ES S ION: illusiONTOcOmpleTeEqclusiONOFrEaliTyiNsElEcTiVEmOdESOfsighT L MA Y8E: wEllbeH AVed:BoStQu;MFA,STI AigHTTHru:OnEdEEPBOOK CUR IDS ITY: inTrusiOn;PROxyinTimAcygAinEdbyavib&vERyREchERChEGOSSIP M RED SAIL: romaaTic:EaSTcoaST,lIbEl(alArTsionELETTEl(plEssbook ANTI C I PA TI 0 N: FalsEprEmj'sEandThEExTEriOrmEThOdOFmakinGJDEnTificaTiJn N MAN DEEP IN LIGHT: cIASs/CAI:sChOOIEdlnEngIAnd:tEaChEs,IOTs FLI RT A TID N; absurdiTy, ThEmOsTapparEnTaccEssisThEOnEwOrKEdawaYOn&aT o AWASH: FLAmbOyADT.Al(lzOnAdI(OPOUThIPPIETyPE:mAGAzIDEs I NTEN S ITY; misrEadingOriTcOulddbEanacTua:andvErifiablErEalhiT;thEmOmENT P DO wHAT DID HE, sElfsATlsfiEdiIA'AqvErTlslng:dEsIgnEr;pAmpLeT Ex P E CT A TID N; vaniTyThEclJudspacEOfTryingTOjusTifymuchOFThESTRaiN Q HARD, DOWN: humAnistiC:froMNOI(ThCArOLiNA;UC:smALlbigTiME HOLD IN G BAC K! pErsisTEncEThEpOSiTivEcOnsidEraTiOnOfallThEnOmEnOn R ON & ON: dOCTriNAirE;BOsTON,PriNCETON;dOEsAsmALlmAGAziNE S C HEM E S· cOnfusiONaNdThEcarryiugThsOughOfaNTicipaTEdalTErNaTivEpLaN S GOING 'OUT: irrEspONsibLE:N.J.,sTATEsCeOOLs,MFA,Of"EcrECiousbk o PpO RTU N ITITY; NONcHaLaNcE,MAiNTaiNscONTrOlOFENTirESiTuaTiON T SUMMARILY; fuNCTIONAL:uPstATENEwyOl(k:U.C.:muChpubLIShED CON VE R S AT ION: bliNd:JEsirEwiThpREcipiTOusChEmicALTypEBONDiNg U YOU'RE GONNA LIKE MUCH MORE: TENsE:IOwA:hsTEAcher:MAG MUTUAL AWARENESS: TENSiONiNthETighTENiNg,shriNkcONfiguraTiON V LIST of STuFFINGS· GREEdy:fROmpEalnsuLA:BA:TwOchApBOOKS AT LAST: submiss1:0NTOiNTENSEaNimAlmRGNETiSmOFENThrALLilvgDANcE W ONE OF THE 8IGGIES: prETEnTIOus:ChICAGO;FuckEdAbIgGyEArly R I DE HOM E: AggrEsssONfrOMwi~dDElighTcrERTEdiNpArTbYiNTOxicATION X FLASH: eONCEITEd,FrOmNEwArk;statESCnOOLS;LOTSANdANEwoNE IN TH E DAR K: cONfrONTEn WiThThEMagiCAlMOMENTOfGrEATOPPORTONiTY Y DAMN PRICKS: RESENTfUL,SEATtLE;STATEUNlv.TEAChES;IBOOk RES 0 LUTI 0 N: williNqANdrEAdYThENighT&ThEsTRrsRNdThEmusic&YOU Z I. E. EGOcENTrIc,cONCOrD,MA, YALE:bOOKBUSINESS,lOTs8crEcENT a R R E N " INTRODUCTION How can you even presume to without knowing the traditions.l? § I'm not clever enough, not quick. anyway, that stuff doesn't last. It's the vision that matters, the the real and worked-out clarity of vis ion. That's my work. The educatio1J, was the first substan- tial investment. I have a serious interest in the synthetic integra- of thought; Ivalue the sensitiVe experiences of perception . . . and lo Ve. The energy runs thru eVerything when it's going, I go with it, making the mo Yes ac. cording to the opportunities. Got to learn to trust the intuiti Ve as- pect of the of the organisim: to function through the totality of the being. From where my per- sonal space is at that necessarily includes public forms of expres- sion. Values. Exchange, lo Ve again: need to maintain that in- terest, that primitiVe driVe. a completely forthright moti Va- tion Am I wOrking thrOugh my need to hOld On to what becOmes established? DO I cOnsider that a part o.fthewOrk-Orjust the at- tachment which generates the conditiOning sentimental cOnsi- deratiOn? Om what le Vel the permissiOm? TO what emd? FOr the actual purpOse Of deliberate cOmstrucTi Ve ThOughT. MiNe. s E E K N G p E The poetry of the period, as best exemplified by A, has an impressive complexity which can be traced to varbus contemporary influences. It's tone was spawned in the breach between the rigid framework of Q's blunt humanism and E's procedural formalism. P's contempt of strict, traditional dogma, which was an affrontry to E and more particularly to J, who felt that P should not ignore their obvious importance, had begun the task of filling out that gap. While the emergence of D foresha- dowed the domination of synthetic construction in the vehicle of a robust style which assured Its authority, J felt herself urged by a fresh spirit of rivalry to draw on the formal methods of T. Doubtless more effective means were brought into play by J, who was inclined to a S9vere distillation in her editorializing. In such an atmosphere, Q, respected though he was, was unlikely to proselytize for what was obviously an already super- ceded tradition. Meanwhile, K & M & S had withdrawn into complete insularity, unable and unwilling to justify what soon became a maudlin sentimentality. Their prolific efforts were not checked by this self-conscious- ness, but the works continue to enclose little more than personal, anecdotal reference. The work of Z, while sucject to a similar limitation, is nevertheless supple- mented by a raw directness of statement which invites attention. Z could well have made significant advances on the merit of his considerable, though arrested, devel- opment towards a clear personal statement. Unfortun- ately, this tendency reached an early climax and deter- iorated in the face of the overwhelming success of U, whose expansive spirit carried him much farther & much more rapidly towards a sImilar end. Y and F cherished a regard for the private voice, & pushing the far edge we find 0, who had these characteristics too, exaggerated & specialized. A retained overtones o~ exposure to R's work so strongly N is usually suggested as primary stylistic motivation. But D and J maintained that promise too, as U was also emerging as an undeniable force in that forum. Most important is acknowledgment of A's unorthodox & undoctrinaire synthetiks to remind us adroitly a most significant source for heighten'd sensibility was A's own considerable originality. § Quick, tell me the difference. among Olson, Williams & Pound. A 9 p N G T R o ACUTE PE~CEl-~TI()NS; SOM INT~.; $9.=,2Gpgs.,REI TO HIGH: 18. All. jrnI~rOV]SajOnaL"PROV!S= AL QuEs. ()f 110"V & WHY sEarch HV cHoVL: 0v\/0'"1"' F"'lx .. Fcerncez QVV AlxRLZ; 13I<:X SBJKX V\!' Gd Q-vvAJ3!dv Mx'cl Vvvz;. $Lci]g HMMr GvZ vaqul~s I,(H~H:,vvtlV ASK ... how B~qkz (i-V & HV 2 BUy:, $MKX KvvjGLy hrl\d BU(~X:,I-IZJceb 2 ..t'X.kqEe$CE"l)z sO. 1$ GrADJIJLLY bolD & VV!SH {J N=DO$.%:,HOVV rOx!k OBJl<.x (io off! HOT BEef; Ok Ok, $18.--, 32Pg. hz , bN hygh fry'N jbjOsyNCra IX gOOf h' 2 bid. ANOTHE PLUS OE CERTAIN WAS THAT HAVING ASKEO THE TERMS OF BIZ M DECIOEo TO MAKE A QUICK SIO FORTHEWHO\"E DEAL AND SO SOON'S A MAKES THOSE SWEET SASHAY STEPS I N TO 0 THE PRONE POSITION, M NAILa HER, STAKING CLAIM. 11 So now 80 run 80 down It can't just take no rlak: Circuits frazzled frcm shock pop rush treat meant, managing something out 01 It. 12 N B A MY BIG MACK Warming up To fuck. c Forward: 120 mph God-damn! Hard buns! Intheverymanylntervenlngdar- Dl STANT: do_sal lande Jleryonesnlfflnl!eacbotbera ttbebole o N ~CALCULATION Anyway, a bunch of us went to drink and you Busy, actlve Loose movement 1 I did 't ha h ha 'th through it. WhatP.Qintpercen- came a ong. n ve muc exc nge Wt you, c tagechangel tJw hI b b' . l l . if ug remem er etng partwu a y conscwus 0 you. And I was aware that you were a point oj focus for many of tJwse other people though they claimed to deny yov any importance. p R o o T E s A N E RATES OF ExCHAnGE; MakIj $13.-~. 28Pg, flow ffr.VOKrebUy Off Tv & OTh. pUBlIC ShOw off D LES 'BE IN' DAYS ••• 13 K'S HOT AND DRY. 8TRAND UP HIOH. N THE NEIGHBOR 0..- U. HDDos SN'T HERB A STEPPING STEP? WITH 8, THAT SKIN RAW MONSTER STRUGGLING TO SUR" VIVE HER PLAGUE. aCTH CHOMP IN FOR A BIT. 14 The .tuff it comes diract from N from when I just lilt. to know now most of the tim •• 15 Gosh, oh weI: is what I meant, shucks oh sure i. what I'm not. 16 AIN'T A &. Y SO DUTY FREE .JUST AS IMPORTANT PUTTINO OUT A. THAT BTU"f" DN THE PLATE? 17 Who's knew in any way next to 0, U ugly bastard jus' no zen right in there. 18 ThatverysamestUlcontinuingevenlng KKCONFloENCE Getting ready todo It. The trend seems ullward and I am crouched to spring. prellared. S S Trump D N My hot Streak Manages flash: Cons truction Plays T Immedia~: e On the delivery Cut to bargain In place of Your bet D After the deal arrangement Works We correct Current Eiaborate Continuance Of return Gain Of stock In structur'd All right Invested Moves COOL: letemjulceattheja Wlloonlletabllloldllckoiltsl obbermouth T H So that was that· I didn't think much about you. I had no reason to. There was nothing between us, no connection. And I probably never would have thought much about you if I hadn't seen you give one incredibly hot performance. N A c c E S S B E L ACTUAL AMUSEMENTS: Trrnp.,$I.-58pg. SANS 18PT.26lNS.x4Iwds. DEVlOPED iNNLLEcT &. AppLied sYNTHEsis Of diReCT PER 'ONaL .... XpRiANcZ,JokQ hv JdgG'd hiM QI\, Why Hv qlm, fOX? If hYp had qBBl'd w' QwAljfjkajorn Of VwZ:shkz w' WsH of wHyz bbY, ANd ThOUGh JjrnPz WiF a VaRiiD &. EaiRly [clKiK vOKabUi· arY bRirnmig wif HUmOR, UrnqZjrnirngly hv 2 b zHE wORK of hay GRaD gjMlooS. VIsITS fInIsH o E S R E F 0 THIS IS. OF. SOMETHING IS l! OF THIS & OUT OF. SOME IS THIS OUT OF. SOME THING THAT WRITES AND SO SELF IS OUT OF THIS WRITING. THEIR'S THE RUB UH DUB 19 . •• the guy with the red beard and said to him, 'You can't be serious it's obvious you don't even begin to read D, so HOW could you be coming outo! him?I' 20 R ASFCDNTIN~EB","MAKEH'B NOT ONLY IN ALL OF ITSELF BEL", HI. ND THING BUTT INTO A NUIBANc£.21 BUT OUT OF ALL SELF. ARE WE PALM DRUNK HAND DUG IN? MY COLD HAS LACK PURE QUALMS WHICH ARE & ALSO ANY ARE DUG PURE & DRUNK IN HAND. NOW WHO WERE MERE & MORE PURE? Onewbo1eJollimonthfurthor.long SII BLIMA. T l!D; shltltIcaresurelkno wi dontwan treclprocal re!>ponsl /)IIlty 880REDOM When you came on stage, you were very sullen. Your eyes ~~~:£~ku~:fteb~~~e~fl~~~~IX were small, hal/-closed, and you slouched in the chair. You were show some RETURN .•.•..•.... ..• dressed well -in a sportscoat -very Ivy League. But your posture was terribw, and your features almost too classical, your nose too arched, your mouth too fine. E M A 13 E WAN SPOON BRED; .. OF; .. $26.-, 38PG. 13X 69. COP.18P. PECQ.JOK1G J!V,$KP$ VQC JOB, B1G PG B1Z. J$ GV$ PRO PROMXX CZ JZZ & MZJCK 1$ COM- PQSD BY HRMED!CK CMZ!DRY J!ON T N E c c G THE WOMAN WHO LIKED TO LICK F In the wet pants of animals resides N Yeah, I know. B1..t so what? 22 because of his line, which he the fragile whine of constant fear. Sucking, gets from •• but, J, Id's all an act 01' light drip. 23 continual complaint answered in a quilted pink robe. It was wrapped around, held' tight the whole time. That elaborate defense is screaming to be ripped into advantage. Rlghtlmmed\ EXCITED; Plndsometblngyoulustml6btllkebunsmelJsllOodum? . .INTEREST But when you got up to speak It became apparent how artlcu- ~?tt·ii:·¥t~t~~i~fgs1!!!!~!~!~~ late those features could be In motion, and how centered you RELEASE. A definite gain ...... were behind your own energy. And you were good, really good. As much as anybody was doing it, you were doing it. It was a heavy hit, and I went for it. A T T E N T C N D.AMP SHEETS;. The woman Who Lik'd To Lick; $15.--,,29Pg .. 7LN s.X4 7wds. PrsonaL, Too Smrt TO bESEnTUhMEtaL"bUt StILL"Socau- tionS .As to bE pRECiouS ... Qu.AGMIR Uv JurI- pruDNcz DjM w' 'DncAsoM & MoNUmNTL PRG- mUhDSm PossZslv PROUncz Ov THjK vIsOm FR HAbjt OF PrVLDJG by PROpRDy. FZz by Qundry If QwK, Wd fIX bY mvIng dOgg'd XIGNc¥ ..... G BUD I WON'T MIND FUR A COUPLE UV REASONS: IN THE~RSTPLACEISLONG & READ, WELL' SILKY, TH' SECOND MORE SOPHT'- MORE oPEN, THIRD AND LAST BE LEAVE THAT END KNOT SPLIT BUT TENDED' GROOMED & SO. LET P OUTGROW HER POODLE DANCING STAGE THAT'S SO OFF-CENTER. WEALL NOW HOW FERTILE THAT FI ELD. 24 While waiting lor Z to .trut his, D indulged In the attention 01 L who was very serious. always, eager to associate with as II that'd obtain what he was assuming in that yielding posture. D knew the kid was full alit but knew too his own l.D. was not apart Irom Its snapshot photo. 25 T o N w H A T s & PLANE FACED Is this the story Of my lover-child growing Pace by careful pace? What lOOked around was not un-noted. I nthelangorouslatCllumm rdayofoilowing C V 1(IOV S: LUbl telnltsoma sparktntbewel Lal!ediLal'oroit hec bce~'e The )lOMENT: cO~l!'i~i'es~o~: After that, I began to have thoughts about you viction. TOT~LITY. Jes' warch all the time I thought about how I could meet up with thet krazy LIL' bugger MOVIN • you, where you might be, how I could stop by the store. It was a definite chemical, physical take that I had had. T A L s o s E R v E SOFT SWEET RISING; AND;$15.-38p.,6£x22?L. $IXY prsOnAl UB}Ckx, ZQrniSH Vibe,mKz sHY buzig B fIN,REGUR,OV: COMMOm wRK . . . I I H ~OH LET ME TAKE ITI' WHO ELS'E COULO THAT BE aUT A, DEMON· STRATIVE IN HER ATTENTION SEEKING PLOY OF' SUCH ENTHU SIASM. SHE COULD HAVE IT DID HAVE WHAT SHE NEED TO WANT IT, REALLY. 26 MAKE ME A PRESENT OF YOU,oh give me back some 0 your swe.t disdain, Z was whis- pering under his breath, tappin' his feet to some Tune !mowln' IT ALL BLONE. 27 He's goT in so folksy and mellow since moving 'r 0 The counTry. 28 T CHATS WITH HIS ARMS X'D, ALOOFAND .JUOG&MENTAL- TITEA66 PRICK. 29 A ndthrougblangorouB3oftsummernlgbtl ··.··PHYSICCKKALITY Continuance •••• MORE of .•. EVERYTHING. Yessirreeeeee! Lookkit thet baby &0 IrO gOGO! U C C E o s o U ~ ~ 'I ue4 ~ ~t taut att tie Ume (6 d4t 'I'""a~fd9dJ. &~ 'I~'tt)d~ 'lied tMt4f. 1fI~ 'lied ,~ 'I ~t Ute("~,,t ;4"et 1 e4t & ~ au a~. StJ 'I f}"eu ?I~u, a (tJt tJj 4e~ HUU! ~ me ~ ~eu tJj tha ~i4t~adi~. ;4~"9 ~'1Je U «de ~9 up d4t ~ thue"" ~4fPuaet. SEN SVAL: boyohboyl sltllettlnllJul cy If wetwa/tInlllf wantIIIl!1f ll'onder/IJIl And then I began to have dreams about you. Very intense, erotic dreams. And of course, they stemmed mainly from my own desire, wanting to have some reason, some motivation to un-subli- mate itself. And I realized that nothing much was going to happen unless I made it happen. s A s o B T A N T C '7E1tf)'l1tfl '7~E fI?l1 't)E1t: A 'l.e4UII: $':.-, 32~. 'P1I4«4~ AlluM'7~, fl8'7," Itt:' eu £, to uOt'l) 'li.6fz01IM- lt~t1l: 9~~,~ ?~~(#,.: B't41.14'1'&-'. S(J?1tUd Uut£,eEI- 'J4~11 tJadiE' pUS' lEu,' dbuu. ~E1 E",,'dt?tl'e d"lltB ~e~,: I.&-' eOU'l) flE7 B· 1fIdt(JU'7 S(J1ItE (J'; '7/t', I(JUS"-'7, A41 ,,114, CH~;', $~ ~ S~, 4Ie ~E&-'4. 1fI1 dt g;e(J. e;e i' ~e~ p~ 1t~ ~' I'e 1t'7! d 1t1 1/, I' ~1 , 11 1t$ SeJI.l4e~, $Ut(!t1t&" e /, ~ 6;) ?'l1t'l S, I'e '7~'l'7 ~ S(JI~, N f" R o N T L A 2li~JI~ (~ 2JiQi!\ ;r8':l6~W~~£~~~£:t:t~\~S;' Jl isfaltf h~auf1tt full tttlllltt ~1t~S LOnG wAy ALL. Y lIoT wID SOMg e ~ ~ STAnding. 30 WHICH OFYOU IS GOING ~l .. .. I ~g.~~~~SI~ !l:;l~CA\~~31 e llSSllttt Ittf~t'1t~tl1t~ ¥:cfa s Qlll fh~ lastiitillUS ht'llfh~r 11f ttt~ 111t~~ ¥isfil~ On ... alniceolearsallmornlnK AN X' OV S: buTw ben 011 W II enO II sO OnO IIpLEasE Oil IIOnEys W l!ETcO mEO n ............... ACQQQQTION I was working on a book at the tIme, so I decided to Anotheroneofthose::::::STUFF d .+c if h I k l'k comin' in al~ the Til!le ....... Jes' sen you some p't'OO,s 0 t e P%es. new you t t:.d to want to walt and 8!t a sense of k hat . & I dId . the possible Ol'TIONS............. now w was gotng on gu't'e was mng some- thing so r d send you the poems. N M E c H A N c s 31~QI1Jl1t~([l1l~~: ltm~ ill lt~r *1 Jlp!1+ 5~!9itt~s+t t:i~uk!tts ~r!Ji1t~ fr mt!~fintl f¥m~r, m' '1lt~~ JlIt~~kk, flllf fltatt~m ~1l3J~; C!Llt~ J:IlllrG~ 3lt!J!J!Cz fm lta~ l)'lllrh &, !J~s ha~ ~lh+ ~lff @:tt~ 3Wt' 3~ ~cti1.: J:Ilacti~ f3Stt f1ltrcti lr~~+ 1 CLllSS. BACKGROUND. 32 IT COMES FROM NEED: 5 IS STARVING. & ALWAYS HAS BEEN. W MAKING A BIDTO CASH IN ON THE PREDICAMENT; ICTATE IT AS A CONDITION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF"ART 33 How Cozy that grunting grand n grant in • did E get the panel appointment. duo j •• vibin' on out so toasty warm cau •• they. both such gentlemen ain't neither of em gonna cop to wanting a CONTRACT. 34 ILLBORN BRATB ARE BEAT BACK SOLID. 3S That's pop that PULP. 36 K s N B E N INVENT This thing is defined by lines. One straight decision follows an other. It moves forward through a series of definite conclusions. Points made mark the progress of the empirical clarification through distinct particulars. The phenomenon forms by evaluated terms of refereDce. The moves want truth only can't relax any act as a full rush flux. Theverynextbe.utifulafternOON SHY; sOsHYmayb£THI!UrG£nTacKI!GOl!sbYIUsTPASSCDTOOsVbTLy : .••.•... ???ATTENTION The next time I saw you was at a readinq at your store' I felt Face to face: WHaT! Here! Has £ h d d h 1£ . Y "d'I to be The Least expecTedP}:oAY sort 0 s yan you seeme rat er se -conSClous. ou sal , Bofar in This und ... r.T.a.k.l.n.e Q'9t your pages.' I was embarrassed. 'Oh?' 'Well those poems,' 'Yeah?' 'Well, I didn't understand 'em.' M A L L T H A T IT ALL ACTS TO FALL APART; lava $10 ••• ,Z8pg.14!!zx57ww$; KONVX pjG; HEaVY INTELECT: VERY RES· daINED, A REPESSED ROMANDIC W$H? OR JUS AN UNJUSDIFIABLY EMByONIC AKADMCK? EMPHUZS ON PQULRIY LNGuSdk CmcRMS OF CmPIXjdy " jmdRZd: wyz qqwz mks qw~k x~u$ by Ggg$; MOqk QqW~k, JuZ B PO$zjDjv OF pg JOB; B bOSS'd by TH' biG" HvY pU$H" bOX bk. W' biG, QWizOv$M~X ••••• • Ow! ~177Zr S'3fJZZ7S" SfJ1tt;,' 120,--,31 ft9' 10""~39fA)d4 ~' ?1t6S dU'PZr ,;)el'~ ZmtJ41e4 9~i';'1 ~m4 et,t' pTJ f/'P" ~~ ~'1'~ fA)' fIW ~te~d-?1t1l (J.1 d~ ~~~ 7() /ldTJ1e/l1tltfJ?1t 6'; fl~m~1e &~)11" L Maybe they even had d hobby in common: LOOKIN for an echo: not to know, my nervous brother. but to know how to do. 41 NO FOR A FACT E'S GOT NOT G AND THAT FORM OR VIRTUE HAS NO NEC£SSITY.z.INSU- LARITY CONSE",UENT LY HAS NO DISDAIN AS ITS sORE ASS OWN ALL E G HOW COULD E NOD RE: SPECT SOME RE: SENT MEANT. 42 TbatNlghthotaNdeOOlaNdeOOlaNdhOt $$8c$$$SEPARRA8TION NoT stuek ... shiT. Take iT e&8Y. IT'll geT going again iT's jus' a pause AfTer ALL. noT a sLump. R c o M E B N T MAYBE IT WAS WORK BY THE RULES PERHAPS THIS PIECE HAD TOO MANY SMALL MARKINGS NOT BUT WERE FULLY PAT. P' XAdCD: IAdCdnOW6QIII mBA 01 NPQOrSPAC.30PwANNA W ANN. WANNA By that time, Of course, I thOught yOu were just beaUtiful. I had become totally fixated on you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was obsessed. I mean I had the heavy hots, right? I just wanted you. It wasn't rational, it wsa electrical, chemical. o u T E L N T FIND & FOUND: 20.-~ 32 8LY X ?O @Y CZ OVR GOOD AT $1 := CLT ~ ... CLT1V AYZ10N$ Wise she so willing to approach the insidiously inadequate signifier, with TOLERATION & ON. 43 IF ONLY THE MOMENT HE FELTTENDERLY ALONG THE SPINE OF THE WEE LIL BEAST ITS PIG EYES POKE IN PURE 'N TENSION CUZ IT'S DE.LIBERATE & THAT'S LIKE KNOW· L'EDGE, WOULD HAVE LASTED FOREVER. 44 INaweekOrtwO •• D.lS$TAMMMMMMMNCE .SOMETHING in This rl!J)id se· quence ... OTHER acT ,viT'y OUT On some new parT of The board. ) H E c ~Sf) 5;4'1,4 (),"Mde~, c N c E 1It, ~4 ~ tie de ~e, N 'It'd, a due Ita, M de ~ "'teed, 1It, ~ i4 P« tJf ~ tJf ~, ~u ~ U tIJ HIe~: 7uUUe~~~~, 74e ~ a ~ tJf 'tee(, pN4t (}.lIe ~ ~ M IIUf ~~, IMPATIENT: maybethenextspotIsnlffhasmoreinterestmaybemaybe T R I wanted to know what your personal trip was like. So I asked around about you. It seemed that you were quite open to women, that you were actually a romantic -you'd had many affairs but you were out for Love. So you were looking around for someone. E 5 T H E R E c E A p PUS? fJlIz;e 'at8A7 : ;ez'Z), l~fJ'N' SfJ'1'p. ~'rllIl.d 111 1fI~ fJI iD'l11trlJ e~1t?Ae''Z) & efJ1t7XX. ~~d7:)I.I,,~;eA~J~ JEthos: it" ~ ; $25 •• ,.: ' - flV tE, ... ; Wds fro . k aSSjtJlI rtvr e€ b R (0 OR Imm slOm; Jlrgu il: SquRbbl£, UrgE ow au S£ieR ]D6£ ~ So wk ttxt: 2 ]u$djZ QUELLING THISTs, $6.--"33pp,,FAYK flASy ooffc'D JOK, G(Ez Off BoomiNG ffiXASION & OBjcx QUA$I-QUALIFY zLY fire BCk Of qUEEzzl bLOCK & jlV QUICK CUTS Or •.• Out of SOurce; bb he; $2 ..... 27pg.JEEz HOw .. VErY, CLEVR .. dy fyxng,spRflcaL qlms,hv BA$qng, SO. jPcjsjk Bnx,~, NEvR Is GvNG WOR. PlAY: SNek flndz ... MaXJMM mANNrZ! Q Brag just ALL OF' D' WAy III HIS SOUL BACK &; BACK. FOR WHA'l' &; WAS GAIN. SOCK ORaLLy? 56 P CAN"T BE HOPINO TO PARLEY THAT .NTO A PROf"ITABL£ ENTER PRISE. SURE IT'S IN HER OPPOR- TUNE NATURE 00 USE ANY EDDE 00 TURN ON; ON DA MAKE ALL 0 DA DIME: MAKE MORE CHAND£: MORE DFEM. S7 IT's NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN AND NEVER EVER WILL BE ENOUGH. 58 CLAIM CAN BRING FORWARD MORE COURAGE & NO BLAME IN PRIME RANGE OF PURE IN· GENUOUS NAME: WHELPING BUYS MRMA HER PUP: PROOF 0 VALUE LAIN IN LAME, Bli Nd pfl.IN 59 A o R M B u DOWN FROM THE N()RTH Trying very hard the strong little man held the boat with both hands The craft was restless on the waters' surface. My step was balanced as we boarded, My grip firm, sure. My shadow rippled on water. T OOmemuchadvaNcedmOmENT RESTLESS; tonllUeQuickandhotonepassoverthelipsleavethemmoist FRUU~USTRA ... TIOOON I was ecstatic, of course, and so high-I knew you were giving lC!fs~n~fv~~rTPSa~~~~r~-t~r& a reading later that week and that we'd have a chance to talk and possibLy dEcEpTivE indicaTor hang out, which we did. A bunch of folks spent a long time after the reading. arguing, discussing, I felt very visible, which is what I wanted. E R N A L v A L u T HARD U)OKING; D.f.t.n.;~24.--,49Pp ..... fill:ll) LOGjck"diFYZ ~J, EffECIV JmB Ov fix'd Jl~ZDIC, Vi,7iffiZ & fiXDZ fAvR. R NOW THAT YOU ARE NO L.oNGER IN A SODASPEAK VOL.VECI WITH INGESTING SL.UDGE IN MASSIVE DOZES YER GUT RoT SIS DUMB CAN COME CL.EAN. OR IS YER MoL.DYCRE- VICE TOO CAKEoWITH 01.' CREAM FOR NEW CUL.TUR T' GRAB ON OR DIG IN, 60 The strength of tho mar. ... and the rigid tension of those explicitly articulated muscles of his jaw •.• played into a tightness ... around the aper- ture. 61 EvENINggOEs,crOwsdlzarrelyfull ANT1CIPAT10000000N High again and rEaLLl' GoinG. WliaT wAnTa noTicE! Gamb in on ThE Long-rAngE PAYOFF. H R o u H T H ON&ON THIS IS BEING WRIT- TEN AS I WRITE IT. PART BY CAREFUL WORD A COMPOSED PASSAGE MAY MANUALLY EVOLVE. HYPED -UP: beadslittledropletsthatiormintheimmediatevicinityandwaitontheedees I wanted attention, wanted yOu to notice me. Someone suggested Qoing dancing. It was very collective: the energy, the inv~tation. But I didn't go. I didn't want to be casual and available. I knew you knew by that I was interested. I wanted the next move to come jirom you. 1 wanted the satisfaction of having you agress towards me, express some definite interest. s N E E s T o o B OF DAYS: ON & ON: $4.-~33PG. POSLT!VLY HZ COND!MUL ?HX.1F HUGJ QK$HOK$X @.M ATCVLY AT ULT. F@'Z.~ JOY? s COME PLEADING OUT. THEIR WIT SUM WAY OF MAKING SIP ORA- TION OFTHOROUGH SORTS,.! PARTICULAR- LYACCuRD 1M DO FOR WORSHIP OF. 62 HE couLd HAVE KEPT Z from OBTAINING THE TITLE onLy WANNED SOME WONDER- FUL PLEASURE ••• of SEE· ING A GENNLEMAN MIRED IN GARBAGE. 63 TlInEpaaaEBwithOutmueh "'CONCEEESS.l0N;;;:;;,. UnrEsoLvEd AnnoyAncE nAG. AT ThE bAck of mJ hEAd: hArd To gAugE ThE SECURITY. , E v e: L o p M £ N T o 1fI~ 1~4-~1t~oed~~ ?!tuft 4- ~ 't4Ue 1 pdt tue 4- ~ Ud ~ 4-(1e(J44 tt~ 1fIw 4- ~ t4e ~ pa4It Ue ?!~eUe~~, FLIRTATIOU s: gobyoncea(luickpaBBonelightbrushsomesoitrapidtouch Well, nothing happened, you never called me. I didn't hap- pen into you, and I let the obsession lapse. But then another oppor- tunity to see you presented itself. There was going to be an all day picnic, followed by a big party. I thought it would be fun to hang out all day in the sun, get high, E o E N o s o 1 EetJ LLEe7101tS/ 9"'1,0,:17,--/ 35~, 'led-(E S1tm7;4~ U7 ~:I'e?1t 'lj"X ~'1 1'1t01tt) (,q.' 7i m~(!1tt, Ie EflJ U.e 1/, T TITLE: has some relation due posit on. 64 YEAH' SDANO OIOVA REALIZE WHY Z WANNEO 10 so SAD? WHY A PcSSISLE VICOORY OVER W WOULO CARRY SO MUD SIGNI,.I- CANCE? DCYOU REALIZE A BIG SCENE WAS PLAV'O WIN O'S KID WUZ BCRN7Z WUZ AWF'ULL.V JALQUS.6S Q is here now and demands constan t RTIENTION for her rap. NATURALLY no SHORT AGE of friends or lovers is plaguing ThaT old farT. 66 p R o c E 5 SUMMARilY: fORMAL Proposed: Invert stasis Of stated position reverts to causitive Modal condition: Relative To a Value of Incipient power. ArarEEarlyAp"ilwEEkEndArrivE8 ATTENTIVE: finefinechangeinthechemicalinclinationtowardmoreiorward s COONCr::NTR~TTT100N SO I went- & sure enou~h one of the first people to Ah Es ThiS A Am, ThE LeT- , Td onE, hErf ALrEAdy: SO, show up was you. I preten ed not to see you, but you drove ThAT vALuE is hoLding fixED. & l d h . d 'H' h up ~n your auto eane out t e w~n ow - ~, ow ya doing?' You called and waved. 'Oh, hi,' I said, real SU1"- prised, sort oj nonchalant. T H A T T H E v T A CHOSEN ZONEs; summary; $16.--, 34pg. fw Phx eN B ObJCKX, ZQR WVz en B dry ~ meh wrz, mnnu- mum Che H$ gEOmeTrjk funkjOn HE B T R ENG T H YOU'RE GONNA LIKE MUCH } MORE WHEN YOU'RE IN t~~],q~[{fi~f.t!I~ I decided to just go after it. C is everywhere after hou,"s They were off the wall & cute IiI why.o.y n that's naturelment a cost account B black in too cool um to cOme PLACATE THE pick ::::; !~"AAc".L"~".'~ not even just a little bit willing. AS W'AI.I. MY MYWARM "!.i,g~~::':~p~pF!l:~ Fucking stayed. Shoved up tight. DROP DIM SPOIL FOR WRy DID gro:'~kli!~~~~70G. SPRIG FOR I pushed on the'I-r tI-ts, WELL, Lie dub my life, U was in kind due lean of her Too s~~!~;:Ef!~*~1;~:i SCreamI-ng·. go right on down ' '. OF? Y nOd budging fOrm cer- Tain reply in mediaTe nega- Ti%,OOBAD. 71 You need rewards, suck for 'em! Or do your work, Say something on mark, cause so much crap is like nuthin at all, man. WhaTalOvElylOvElyday ATTRACTED: movingincloserthespa.cebetweenourlegsclosingina.littlemore AVAILLLLABBBBILLITY Y k d & t t lk 'th T.t d·l:·t l' fl' ta MA bE Th' k iT's AbouT OU par e came 0 a WI me . .1, was eJ"n~ e Y ~n a ~r - TI~E fo~ somEiCing -THIS1, tious manner -side-long glances. We smoked a joint together & there Now, THEm's DIVluENDS!!!!. was real energy passing with it-in the contact of our hands. L o " T C N o ,.. DEEP PROBING; yr meh more when yr in; $19.--,34pp. qizzjkl fex affiRM Ivl of vry firm Prso- Nal $DADmendz whieh seRv dO ELuCidAD XPRINZ. Smx e Qbbl b VIVID PBLjk JjB; AGGREsz·v JJMPG sffOKAdz. VjejOs skOffz B fiRM fib OF WAy MCH Jfffi FOrNICKASOn qnCH f1V. OF $X; qqps SqsH HS FfmaL pfCk pG MKS aZ If afHIaS·OnS b aWfHL ffix & j$ b bOx OF m 2 f·x. v RAP MY BAIL BACK CUZ I MUZWARM UPWIF ""'0& ,JuS KILL F,X oR NoD MIND,72 Deep dreamer wuz he my boy blew idle in quick. We began. Bar gain grOws us OuT. Sad sO bad Our parTing. 73 PEcuiiar paceychargEdupdaytlmE &&&.DDDDDDISPLAYY .. Good dAy Too, hoT· mELING rEAL EnERgizEd, opEn. Now sTART rEALLy RoLLin' On IN 5 T H E c ~1S7 fJ"; S7'U";";11tt;S 1-~~~6 2- ~1Vd6 3- 1IIelt~~ 4- 1'~ tltlll{d'd IIt4tUt 5- 1'~taMt~ o TURNED· ON: rubbinglightlythighsohiustsogentlystaticelectricchargeiumpa N So then aU afternoon I was aware of you a: you of me, too, I felt. I knew where you were, who yon were. We even sat on the same blanket for awhile, and it was a very long, slow, almost tantilizing kind oj come-on -build- ing up the tension, the anticipation. . . p E R 5 o N L v o E W DRAG off HER such morbid Aid MAKES MEAGRE PENSION. such LOn~LOngl·umps mAy not HnALL;v AL GN. ISM's in form ALL rip off SCANDAL 1 so is must mulch for bindine in & BLANK ALL BLANDl HOW COULD PURPOSING lAM ALL WORRY HONORl 74 If HE WHERE'S EM ANY TIED OR THERE'S LIKE TO BE DAMAGE. 75 EvEgallOporapidl yapaeEummm PPPERSEV VVERAN C EE. MighT As wELL •• jEsus, SO ... AvAiLAbLE. Too EAs;rlll ALL THESE grEAT FREEBIEEES. c T a N c A R R ONE OF THE BIGGIES! I'm one of them. I know all of them & I call them all by their first names: Al &Bob & Chuck & Dickie & Earl. I'm so far fucking in there. RESOL UTE: gottagettoitthi.timnclosesoclosetakemetakemehandinhandandhand When I got to the party you were already there. You came up to me almost immediately and asked me to dance. I said sure -I mean it had only been my dream for six months -that I would be able to dance with you. We danced a lot together -and a lot with other people too. But the connection was very strong -across the room looks, and dancing more and more. ... T T y a N E TABLE SCRAPS;One of Th Biggies;$23.--,39p .. dry"chP WlzDOM fr sQUNcz Fx'D by INJuR- ous FRCTON. IF JRGON KNOCKS Why hV KrZY K!x By MjOR WR!TrZ Djvjzd OBvIOUZ CONQWzd by V!GORUS ZubjckX? NAME drop- ping AS REFErENCE"PRETENScIOUs assum- psion Of sUch kNOwldg havnG sum vowLu. D H R o u x ~ u«t lUI- 4It tit' u.e 'I dlCle' e ~4I14It~, Babies yOu guys jusT wanT A GOOD TIME And yOu DON'T TAKE NO GODDAMN FUCK efot to 4ettte 41-td till tit' 4UIe .,4u.. ud 44Iut, IN RESPONSIBILITY, AS IF THERE'S RNY MATTER OF PRIORITIES, 76 POOR S WAS DRAt3GIN THIS MORNINWHENV MADEAB.G ENTRANCEW' E YOLLOWING ALONG SOMESMALLWAY BACKliT COULD MAP A BLOW PLOY FOR SUM MIN .. UP NEW RIGIO PR VILEOGING, 77 CrEEpThEomallsm&llbOurs CONFRRONTTTAT'TION Too much, Too quick· wh1'1 For whaT REASONH ThE boTTom )lighT FaLL righT ouT of This! ~u4t"/l-(Q4'UH, /lUI't 'I foe4t U- 1()tdedi AGGRESSIVE: pushitnowreallypushhardagainstthesolidmuscledllankyourwarmth So when you split I went out wiTh you and asked you to give me a ride. I felt very shy about it but lfelt like I J'ust wanted to play it out -be totally aggres.crive and let you respond. lfelt very confident, it had been a high day. So you drove me home, stopped the car, and turned off the engine. 'Can I kiss you?' I asked. 'Well, why would you want to?' So I blurted out the story of my obsession with you, my attraction to you. You laughed, both flattered and patronizing. B o H T T H ~&AL ?lt01t&1I: ?4~(:'1()#--,29ft9# ~'Q.1t;em ~' &m1l9/ p",1t'7 E~PtJ4,Ue ~11'~ VXIZ) ~;e~() ~# e~p pI Q. y BY AND LARGE IT WAS A GOOD GROUP: EXIGEN- CIES NOTWITHSTANDING, THE POSITION W TRIED TO MAINTAIN WITHIN SUCH A CIRCLE WOULD NEVER BE RECONCILED THROUGH A PERMAN END ATTACH. MENT, WHICH HE VERY MUCH DESIRED. 78 WARPAS CRAP PRICK PIG RARE Be BIG. 79 L L y c o N DAMN PRICKS! My wretched life! I can't resist 'em Hard, brutal: Persistence! s c o u QUEER AZ F may Seem. WaS aN opeN Wave bruNq '1m IN FOCUaSO DUMB 15 FORM OR ILL LIMP & GRIM WILL'D. WILD. BI CRflVING REAL GOODS AND SLAKING EVERY IM- AGINABLE LACK BY BAD MANNERS, 82 MILO ANC MASK 0 IN aOING FORWARD. IS MY SLIP VISIBLY LONG &. IN FROM AN DNLY l"N· CQOL PLAY. 83 It's costing me my self-respect But shit if I can find a way To get on outside of 'em. AbOuTlhOurlatEr;cOOLair DISAPPOINTED: theswellingde8iresubsideswithouttheadequaterelease cCCCCCCONFFuS!oN? I fell condescending. after all I was only attracted to So This is iT hAzArds of THE I d 'd' h' k ' 'l" II profEssion! shouLd bE AbLE To YOU. ~ n t t ~n you were very st~mu at~ng ~nte ectu- prEdicT A TrEnd prETTy Boon. l'l S find h ld' b k '{;: h ' a y. 0 to you 0 ~ng ac ,act~ng Jrom suc conce~t amazed me. Were you that stupid. that self-centered? I placed my arms around You, and pushed the old hot lips on You. R o u G H E x T R N GLOVELESS LOVE; da-~;11q. BI.x??W HoW PRZffillffil (EbJX hv fH~hI)Y Nl~l{RZZiz­ Tik UNION & EROz hv JU$rr EX.finE fH(E. z BECAUSE SHE's GOING TO HAVE SUCH A BACKLOG OF REFER· ENCE TO SUPPORT HER WORK NO MATTER WHAT THE ACTUAL WORK IS. 84 BEST Lid All TypE a WriTER MonEy Can't Buy. 85 so MUCH STUPID VANITY • •• ANO M,NO NOT LEAST CF" ALL. BG I s A C T v T y - i.e. THERE'S NO 'I' KNOW It's just not going to happen, That's all. The hero in the story, hero 01 the story, Isn't going to put out: Is all For love, meaning lord knows ... In secure advance 01 quasi-realized, Much applauded, will. AvEryfEwmOvESlaTERioaLL FINI: justlefthighandbarelydampnotevergottowetalasadreadfullackisall ••• CONCLUUUSSSI.ONNN YOU 't t i' t th . ·t.r. l't AnoThEr confirmaTION of ThE weren 00 respons ve -JUS e reqU7,S1, e ,orma t y, no old EKO. Hm ...•. ALLI cAn sAy personality, no passion, no recognition of personality yours Or mine IS KEEp 'EM COMIN' on & on J: t l't leo h l' '. . US a t t more t an po tteness, not much. So that seemed like enough -not much point in pursuing it -right? A L o o E s RITUAL ACTS; i.e., S20.-,34Pb, OrdinAry iNTEGRAT!ON OF RAw Ex- PRSSiV Trms Of- mAZCuL!M BrAqkz wf OhGLY, OmNSclN D :- ffeKx; GD,qwck WK dYJGz'D W!LD a VP!d: Bd cmbjm- asjOm: mkz HvY,Hvy bRUSQU sPEEC; If UP, Hv fIX wif brVE sEX SO~RCZS ... qUO ~cd " THIS & O.H.R W---H·R .N-I-S "-R- FROM G's JOURN-L. picky 1,& 0 C.R.FU~ SH. W.S IN KE.PING 1- .V.RY D.Y "", .HIS \ BY G OUR OLD.R IS OF 1 QUI.. ALER. OLDER,' 2 FrO n ES,ABLISHED POE.,'" ; POEM By IN A GENERR.ION 3 OF OUR Y As ObsERvEd P L1..L. C.U. bYOUR v.rY ,SW ... H .. ~. RAPID rAcY . R. D & G s READING A, Z's .. -- 4 FROM A LE .. ER R WRO.E",'; At·ER G's rEADING cuZ, ' hOw A COMES .0 B. ~Srby B.ING A DIS.RN. R.LA.ION ... ~ 5 ~~~\~~~~~~~~.:~.~.~.~:~;:~~~v~~r;~~ BEtwEEN C thE REd BEard aggrEssiVE & I'bluNderi.g Wi., EagEr STupidi.y AND .A. ... wl.h gOO_ y gOOdy En.HUSIASM .', 6 from b's LETTER TO 11fS~i:N:,~~ RauncH writTEN THE DA' AFTEr ~ rotten ThaT iniTial FaTEful FacE • to Face meeting oj A & Z at the 1 reading D ga I 'e in sulky spiri---' F 0 ' Y b't h 'lY highly 7 r:::1 s ver ~ c ~ rev.alin' tho r.alhtWrI •• eN AccOU;nt .... , .pUrty Of da Sc.n ... pUbl~Sh;d bY Z; 'SO-CALLED NoTES'.- 8 NO .. FrOm X 2 IiI' ~ v,OlUp.UO-s str.vmliN, D'- OF ;'a,ObS.rv.d mAkING OB. ~ 'qwk, ,EyES AT UNCONsciOus Z 9 OF S.XY ,frOm HER"·A cUTIEPIE y,coMPaNIO. , CHRrMiNg ,AlsO A CU.IE , J USTTHEBEST "\ FFRI EN OS -,." QUICK QUOTE/:J Leaning.,; ' ''I OF THE rEAILy~Ver sOme I Q V. RY LouDLY BOIS .. ROUB. - aejreshmnz ' AFTER D's READING AT Z's STORE • • while making some rapip mo Ves "'''' " ((, frOm::: 'LESBIAN DAZE· ... - S's gOssipy and sexually raw wOrk OJ in VersiOn & VigOr Which dETAils hEr cOmplIcatED. InTERPER"ONAL Re;LATIONS ... (""" B ' I OF , ACTING OUT OF .... ALL:BbBOTHER FOLKS tlDEA I AND ASSUMPTIONS OF WHO .2,t HE,IS,AND.IN.PARTICULAR,HOW.HE.RE,,," LATES.TO,POTENTIAL.REWARDS ...... · .. : ..... . "3 ~ IS miSs -ake On agingk ,., whO maybe muss ha Ve uh beeN a beau 'y iN her prime, I . anyway inscribed On flyIEafOFP'scO~~OF .... , sAm. OL NUmb.r II vOLum., , f4 m's rAp fOr, LONE NIGHT-- OldACOLYTE AT-HOME ..... - I'EARNEST .... !! TAK'ENDOWN .BY: Z, NEIGHBORS ALL.!.!. 15 Bis live/yllcONVersa-iON "~J wi-h his lONG-.erm PaL, VV • ;h'.c'h N ~u€€ir BF~ANACTaIY 'dO Jus abOu' n,s'well's aNybODY. 16 OF ,~ WHO DILIGEN-LY.- Ruff. \.-WaOUGH hIS bOOk ,D~~jful_DAy,AFD.R DAY,BUD - Why He DOZ"IS A MYS-_~ Y,~lb~ , 7 ANO-H-R QUOD FrOm K's·.:!; WONNURFUL WORK',sided. • ,B.FOR-:;OBS,RVASHUN;~tJ~~ CUZSHE'SBEENWITHEMALL- , 's N.PKiN u .... _~RUSING, 8 ¥NOD 2;;;;- 7wON 2 'AV • .Pu;1/~C::~L~N~ .. 2~ .. A~G~~d: J S .. GRAZ'.I R .. FR1ND's .. 50FT .. CHK .. 19 F'S.LlNE. FROM,HIS.8~K DOG's NIGHT OUT!!!!FAGGOTyaffCT NOTWITHSTANDINC. MOR"wImp Than ,Acdlve-wASHES,.ArOUnd,'SO'As - 2"FEEd"Off"EASY"EnErgy,Hiss 2 0 AGGRessiVe: puddiNG mOre;.& _l.:.liddle speakr,etdOwN::2 {!,mOre-Or ':', cerdaiN-surly his,.Face diNarY 21 Y es, ,R-f-r-NC-;2;·fwhO.kps MAKING .. ON- PASS & •••• -~A NoT HER .. 0 8 N OX;~y 22 d 's remark TRYING .. TO .. MakE 2::adOriN' TH',H-AVY,mAN-IN •••• WIN .. R .. SpOk. r 2 sO:neSiNg dfiNd AT .. HIM"........ whwh R can hold. , 3 ICE-COLDJSQUAWKING.p ... -METHODI AD CLeVeR"" WHO,Dears-ARe 2 -KI LL du LL arE .. MUTUALLr .. AT::- ODDS"IN"COMP---IV-,why 24 E W~iddeNP fOr"whOm"SH- ,.",." O/cleVer ,hassum"tASt-,- BUD .. NO .. REAL .. ATTRAC;:TION .. £rOM a"loNg" wrk,L-a V'/,NgL-a Vs -5 J1T~ 'S"ON"THE"SPOT"N OTE: , • JOUr 2 FR J M"HER"ONG OINGNAL- O Z' READING , NODS"FR M:: S··BREEDINC. ; "', 6 L's Obsrv AshUNywhO mis~' D , IN A L€DD€R 2...... ah" r-ad'/,NG 2 BEING"A"GOOD"SOUL"THOUGH .. NEVEr , ORIGINAL IN ANY WAY??? 7" sam.", "j WhO is cl-arly" qui-- .- r r-adiNg Vl/t"dyNamic"f-llOw;bid 2 • grasp'D sup;rfic-al" iN, hish-ad w Hie H, 15: U N .. ORTuNATE,IN,sucH,aggrEa. '8 's r:mark 2 0, AbOUT Z wHO bOTH -, _(Yhav"kN~N"siNcz"-arlydays,,. 2 ... B-fOr-"O s"baby"wuz borN"aN- U B-fOr-" G" had" such" SUCC-SS -9 .4 's chaddylil yas,goodfri-nds B- • llm-mOrabilia2 cOmiNg: BO-h jus 2 ,SUCH CHARmING LIDDL: GIRLS & Dig IN €ACH UDD€R AS D€CORATIONS!!! • ,. b's"cUD-UP'PAP-r"SCRAps 1\ Ass-mbl-D"ON"A,prOgrAm 3 V "which,'wUz" KpD"bY.siLly,M 31 C ' 2"BOOS--R"SUPER-~&t MASSER OF CEREMONIES rap? WHICH WUZ GLIBLY D'LIV'RD & '" R, cord-d fOr pOsd. ridy, Of cOuRZ. 32 OF;BY"HARD-Rfrom his 8ssaY-: ::E:WORKING-- AfflU-Ncz& ID- UCATION AS INFLU:NCZ;HOTbOG 33' 's RAp 2 RPLYING :HlS .qALSO PART,O S.RIOUS.'JlV- • , • , SAM f:ssAy: , • FULLOnNSIGhT WAYOUTTHAR '74~ WAD.A.WRITERS'EZ • , CONFERENcE & 3 • 08$ERVING THE, & LO CAL -H EAVI ESiDkIs18 3 ' ,HEADLIME FROM TH," C1~ BAY N-WS WhICH 5 " D HAd S-UCK INl'.'lI;'~. '-60fb BY J FROM Th' f-muz _ -.- OuR,", PO-M Y,our sag- 3 ~ FAMilIAR clous old POgO:: A BOY MAKES ~GOOD I I WRID WIN ~ lfzH-YOUNGIR 3 ~ ,OF OUR aLMOS' /JDIB~~!~~Oj " L.G.NDARY FrNd~~Nv":RNI3:D' , BAvIMG,OBS,RV,D-SUCH 38 OBS-RVing f making mor ••• acar-fullu::.- mov,s on frnd Y • •• WHO,'SHE .. KNOWS:,JUS',DISDAINS 'HIM! LiK' SOM! SQuirminG WORMIII 3 J JF _. UM W BAD Uh,OF:g&g rt A bO~_:. WHIDDEN & -::J.. t' . R'P"r n '5 O-CALLED.,NOTES'wAv BACK 40 " 's poitic SUMPSHOUS .. eeaddr.RS; & vOlUmpUO " d'liv'rO: 2 LIDDL,cHEE.g'lt' WHO.LAUGHS.IN.HIS.,INTENSE .. FACE, 1 ' WRID'N ABOU' SOM'B 4 "OWII~' POSSIBLS drip AN' H"AvY BSDWSEN ~}1'D8i.~ 42' 'swridinG 's,gOD ID·&,G ~/BOu' eDO '&,W N. "MONNY' N, O····IN 'WHICHMakESALL DIFFR·MCZ. all 4..,-? OF,OUR~HER-NOW­ "J. • __ US'D-A--1 POWERFUlV B BoA UD ADDIDUD&,h:LD - v Y DBA W'BED,8icK ,,, ,:SPEAKIMG ABOUT TH~. 4 .zPAST-AFFAIR.WITH-u 4 ,WHOM HE.DEARLy.ta~Lfg THO-SHE.DID~T.rEspO~d 111h's ,POETIC TREATISE!'~~~ • •• NURTURED .. SLoW .. WITH.A 45- GREAT·&.TENDER'LOVI:'-:ui 'SO'S,-TO .. BE .. READY .. TO ~~R " OF SPL;NDID WHO IS I. , 9 ChA rm' r' " ,"". ADMIR D BY:MS. q MO. R. ALL Y; 5 OW'D,JUS'D 2/LOOK'Ad 'HE~ V,RY BES,D,AMI~ ''', ' WA MAIL,D"BUD.LOS' 6 o,eeN"qso~s,-2-MAK-'ID'A. frOm.ZI, BID,MOI'.PRIVAD! 61, .. ,OF--; TALKiNG. 2 Our ~ OUrnTh8orAddtshun;,lt. fiii,. , ,R8L8N'L8SS,dr~V'N WILD. BUSSIN.ASS;.CONSONAN;LY 6:::, R,CORD,D"by p. -. A-bUD iD'S;~B;CXltALLY:AB-~ Wd 2· B .. IN .. R'LASHUN .. 2 .. WOrshippfng , .... - m • OF, AN, A CD, UND8rmiNig, X 6 '.OF:DIR-CD·-et,l Z"FrOm"OlD 3 'MALIC-,BY JeaIOusy .. OVER 0 in .. A,NOD.f:r.,X,,2,.O .. !WHO HAS,REal"LOOk 6_- OF"Z,;PAR;;OF;A .. WORK'.BY .. 4 T ·WHICH-HAS.OVER-REF-- ER =-NC'S'BY' WADING; • FDR"SUR'IS , 'GOING·AFDER.ID'GOOD.Z's.MILd. 65' 's's"rap"ON W,Z,&,O Givn-2 Y ON,DAY"&,,Ov'rh'rd BY , A .. WHO .. HAPP·N· ED,,2 .. B .. IN ,A .. ROOM .... RIGH" WIFIN, H-ARING, raNg 66 .0F, VAIMGLORIOUS, OLD, .W HIL;. VISIDIMG,K, f~lijjjt~iq 6 7 . SAM:: W;:K;ND,OF;:M"ii~~~·K ·WAD·CHUMS·ALL'OF ·EM· 6 8 :.::~;.a:~:~::f~lfrfo~aPR4 I 9 CARRY"M, BACK .. 2 .. 0LD; "" 'BOSS DOW . Z " N IS"JUS" " 6 GaIN' ALL-S -N DIMEEAL 'SY,HIS,S LF, PO ',D-AR :':O,IS Blg,BRA r:q JUS",AH Y ,GoSH"ALLo~ SMACK OR 7 A'LIMB:;2;;KI§ sue WIz;/! M, 1 ~ow CR88PY,;D88P,ULYIngy __ ld"ALL-,OUT"ALL- OV8R • IS;MAKING-SUCh;;AN;ObviOUs FOOL .. OF-HIMS-LF.P-KNOW·O·O ..... ,.. . 'S COMM-MT ABO"' ·6·XWH'CH .. APPlRD-lMV . AM,'IM-RVLW"SH'~:- 4 . 2 .. A .. WIMMI~'MAG~~I , 7 s'sb.sdrdiz,drubb'dOwvrsion.; • " OF SAM'-INN'RVI-w, whicH 'I GIVES SUM ID_AHOW MUCH r'''p'c' • OUR LeBA WNY" SICKLY .S , 'HADIIFOR,H'tI,PAS1.~:~:rxn (. "I -- II WEEKEND-AwAy · 8 l'G.,S"ALD'R'D',FLYIR/i? 4 2 RECOMMENDIMGS~MS HEALTH_TREATMe~sf~:8PY ", p,AGAIN;eUT-UPS-& AlsO "9 ANAGRaMS IN VERY POOR ..... JUdGEMEND AS IS SO OFFEN A 4, .CONDist,ionwiF PWho's'awfully , , ReLF.SadisfiD MOS' of D'DiM' ,..., "OF'RidiculOus ·OBSRV'D BY DaNd-t U(,Mysdic. bullshi- I i./i-d prOc-d Ur ALL WhO KNOWS hIm FROM COLLEGE daYS, 51 OF .. oLD .. AGING .. RAPIDLY bWHO ... HEL WAS.A • A.FOMDLY. D;: FULLyn ",PROTEGE .. LON GDlME,p~l WHO,HAS.NOW,NO.MOR-ILLUSIONSe 52 'jrOmA p.Jblish'D,wrkOj 1's , Wif SCRIBBLINGS by plAYFUl KIDS Y&M. 53_OF StrugglIng S BycompissiOn-N UNhappysOUl " poor aTE REspOslblE:: 5 4 UV"BRILLIAMJ '/TJrOm BUD HOPELESsly W.S ' POMPOUS slicK ~e? WhIch Bit'M'RCIL. SSly. 5 5""?,,, FROM"t's miND:JUS , B'FOR':DOING A • BUzz Y . ..R.EAdING;nOdS; • 'B HiN Z'S ShOp '6 GROuP-sPoriX~~~ , D' , e 5 WIFVFA~"gAM II OFIISOccer' wi 57' EXDRACDED,FRoM.A 'E '" -1UCH;MONGER,W O RKBY LEAvl~:LEAvEs,Op.cil .-- 58" .WRIDDING~OF,'HERII' "X PRGPSHUMIIOP"SUMV , WORK"R,AD',BY" UglY t?.'- A, ReAL, SchOlOR:, WIF;HIgHLY'r 05 DvLOp'd SNs]OF NCSsIDY, FOR II Xhauadiv BackloG Of R/r NCZ. 8 · CUD;,B"BOu',Z BuD "I C Ud'.B-:JUS; IS,. WLL 6 ? B-'THt .. RSt,Uv 'M,too! ~ , 7";- ALL::ABOU' -BDre~MS.drUg~ 2 IN;hls, WORk, & DRUG, 0 N, N -DR8Ams-OF-MY,DOWN,BY:ID.ALSO, .. 7,',' .. OF:N~bbishY'LiL-'fHAD;;M.?R8,2: I 3" WHO.mayb-,Also, DOwIF"BOFH OF"EM .. LEAVING AN EASE .. Or,AdMISS .• nOw 74 ~!;;.~~iG~ ~ .. ~~.f,~v~&:kg , , AS .• POR'RAY'D BY,ScrAwny.lgALOUs- , M-YB -GIRLS ("roME BIDD,OR • ,'--'V ,BY,NOW, 7 5 A:Discr8TEIIAsidIT,s:;accOrdin n .. CONC:RNING.,PANZ 2 horny ..![ .. ....,.. WhO .. ALWRYSWACH·D·FULL, FOLDS REMEMBERING,HR,P:JPP~:, 76 N: AT p& & &0& ?? CLe:Ve:R &a&r &] &y?? • CUZ - VERY SLOV:NLY· • .s ALL Of FrOm,hIs;pOin plsdEM:;fl.rE. OF,R8FRNcz; , hd,nOne 77? OF DUM80- whil-: .... e • "WHOsE-WISHVadd .. aLL .. IN WUz:vrY,ReAL rEGaRD- 7 8 wrlddEn .. bY:, Z ABOU-;;,;;w IN"PSe:UdO NOVe:LIS'IC FORM IN;HIS::BOOK:, WINN'RS' ;; • CIRCL8' which;gOd;him iN; 2 ~ , sum M£ssy buSin8ss,wif'FOLKS.- 7 g_Hs;.a .. be·e £rUm;POSCR~& .BLU~RI~- RgCIg V gD"B Y7 S .. ·· .... :·:::·OF',fW1F,RLSHUM,2 , O MINCY FLL11VG'FORsUm "hIS • S GIRLs IN OM.OBVIOUSWISZ .. , " I -'-1 uV 0 RSOLUC'E •• & 800·, '.. ADMIR hr 8 FUL"BY- Z WHOfrOm.LOZNG; 'YRS BCK:&,FR,DOW~D RD s O • of INSASHUblC WHO-Doz .-. dsCribd by shrwd OL &,HZ,Leg Z.CIRCULRL Y,SOUnd.&;;! q KNoWN WLL"RSONing .. BRIGHt , : 8 "'''''';'E who WORRIs .. BOu Do~-: 3 .. sumGOOD!Wif hR~. rIvlDGS 84 PRHPS, BUD .. KISS·D,&~ + 4BIDDR &CRRVD BY:POMPASS .... +. ,·7-IN ·PURSlllD-... -- + + LIDDLi,'MUS~B;.MUChUl; 1 o H A N N A KEy TO ABsREVIATIONS uSED IN THIS BOOK AEHRRAID A SITITAPEH B GNINOISIOP DOOF C TUOG D ENIARGIM E MELBORP SUNIS F NRUBTRAEH G TEEFTALF H YSPELIPE I SDIOHROMMEH I BISOHRRIC K AMOCUALG L SEPREH M TOOF S'ETELHTA N NOITCEFNI RAE 0 SDNE TILPS P KAONOSIOP Q SISOELCUNONOM R SEIBACB B SDEELBESON T AMESYHPME U ENCA V AINMOSNI W SNOINUB X AEHRRONOG Y NOITAPITSNOC Z D Miss East Coast 11lItight hot shit coed-just so smart and attractive and well educated and able to play it all right. He wore a nose-ring, looked totally wasted-drugged out. could barely talk-had had some publishing success real young and so was established himseH as idiomatic term. He was big, red-haired. with a bushy beard-good natured &: amiable with an over- extended chivalry-to cover a shyness, lack of real experience or confidence. A shrewd old bugger, playinlt infantile from his sense of the absurd-enormous bushy eyebrows &: grizzled beard-intense eyes full of humor. Sliltht. intense. very confident. the result of breeding-she came of family and knew it mattered. Nebbishy little guy. tiny buns. small &: shy with a high voice-sweet actually;but timid and oversensitive. She was a big. brassy &: blonde. big-busted. and big-boned, really a magnfficent woman-beautiful if not profound. Plain. heavyset and as Itrounded as a tractor-she wore outrageous clothes. insisting on on her rilthts regardless of her ability. Our indian mystic-wore long braids. had dark skin. wore a large scarab and carried a crystal-very cosmio ••• Drab colored clothe. she wore-brown. grey-she was sallow. sullen. humorless and very monotone-deadly. This old drunkard still played girly Itirly-had a pretty face all puffy and debauohed. Very nice looking. very soft. but his jaw was very small-his bones fine. and the weakness. the slightness. played out in a need to be liked. A very pretty girl. childlike-she wore her hair in-jesus-riabons-spoke softly-they all leaned forward to listen. He was remarkably fit. his hair was totally white &: tightly curled. but his skin was tight. clean shaven-he ran ten miles a day. Composed, elegant &: dignified-the imalte of young motherhood. she was blonde. smooth &: graceful. Very tan. looked so good -almost plastic-with a model's body-California girl-lots of silver jewelry. Incredibly strong woman-used to lots of outside work-she was getting old like some farm lady. Completely drab lookinlt-medium brown all over-the least interesting looking human being imaginable-almost featureless. Skinny girl. an ex junkie. now a methadone freak-she was constantly ill. ate nothing bnt junk food-pathetic. The closest thing to glitter rock-his tight pants always velvet. well-cut styled hair &: quick little body. Tall. dark and very intense-with curlinlt hair and semetic.ieatures-terribly stoop shouldered-he always talked hard and fast. Dumpy girl. alway. trying real hard-she wore her clothes too tight &: was uncomfort- ably self-conscious in them. His beard was always trimmed perfectly. he was small. in jeans and sandals. indian shirts. balding on top-so hip. A beautiful black woman. flamboyantly dressed, she was a dancer. professional when younlter and kept the traininlt as style. The little sexPot-voloptuous and oheerful. indulgent &: sensual-always falling out of her clothes. licking her lips. Very Ivy league. greying prematurely and into the distinction it lent him-good family, good education. &: eood prospeots. nice inheritance-poor fellow. R u c K E R sU~,~ORt~ , , .' ... l" "', It' ".:. ", _: I " , Ii\ ,,'" , /. " II • • ~ ,"'cJ"" , "II WAS,US'D,UP,AND,SUM,WAS,LeFT,OV'B,AND.OF,A,HUNN'BD,COPI'S.ZIS.ON',IS,NUMB'B :::::::::: . 1,2 '3,4,5!E?;7 ,8?9 '1?'11,12'13, 14,15,16,17'? 18'19,20:21;22,23'24,25'26,27'28'29:3??? ~31'32'33'34,35' 36'3 7 -38~39,4C,41,4.2?~- 43~ 44~ 45~ 46'47,48,48 :5?·51'52,53.54,55, 56,57,58 59,6?,61,62' 63,64:65'66,67,68, ... ~ 69,. 7c:71,7 £,7$.74.75,7U,77.78179!80':,~ 81 ,8?,H?'84~ 85 '86 '87 .@{89,9?,91.9? (),?'94 95 9 Q 97 98 99" '? '? '.' " ...... ' " t." • ,. u. , . .,. ,., •• ". -.-.,., .. ,,- ,