Dear friend, I am working on improving myself in all areas of life. At this moment, I am attempting to improve my Wiki posts. You may have noticed how my post from last week pertained to the wrong week's readings. That was a flop on my part...but this week I think I have it down; hence this letter/email styled post. So, as I said before, I am always striving to improve myself because I am a struggling college student who just wants more sleep. I also want to understand our readings better; I tend to have a hard time with them. I sometimes think I Won't Change, and maybe I Am That I Am. It makes me think that Life at War may just be everything that is in and around me. But, To Hell with it. I still think I am improving. You may be hoping that I am about to Rap it Up, but with the need of 200 words, I am just getting started. Also, When I'm Talking There Is Something I Have to Tell You...Eventually Everything Will Happen at Once. Sounds very philosophical am I right? Kind of like Life Studies. If we dive deeper into that phrase, I wonder what it could mean? Perhaps when we die, our life flashes before us and it is all there before us in that instance. Or maybe when life finally is how it should be, we recognize it in an instance. Or maybe I am completely off. I haven't had the chance to listen to the audio for the poem since I am in the library. After reading this post, What Didn't You Understand? Are there ways you think I can improve? Best of luck to you, my friend.