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funny how the man who claims everything is fake news is the most fake.

Given the accessibility of the internet in present time, it’s become quite easy to share one’s opinion and have a lot of people acknowledge it. And even more so when it comes to ignorant remarks—everyone’s always had them but now there’s a way to reach even more people with it. For my final project, I had two ideas: I was considering taking publicly-noted statements that have in one way or another caused some form of impact on a social media and then show the many reactions. In some cases, this has been simply memes while in others there have been whole public statements made as a result, given that sometimes it’s not enough to just mock something with a poor image. This incorporation of responses will allow for a true, full picture of where the issue lies and whether the statement is accepted or not. In any case, I’m still not certain about how I’ll achieve this project. I was considering using a book (Lulu) as my format simply because I like the idea of it being printed out, but I’m also considering a social media platform that allows for threads (such as Twitter). Then, my second idea was something similar. I was just going to take states that Donald Trump has said and around each statement (usually a tweet) make a collage of all the sources that prove that he’s a dirty liar. And because he’s such a pathological liar, I know for sure there’s endless ways to go about this and a lot of information I could gather. The collage would, much like the other option, be taken from articles, social medias, memes, and other sources. The reason I was considering this one was because: 1) he’s always lying 2) it’s frustrating that Twitter won’t remove him and no amount of proving him wrong makes him shut up 3) it’s highly interesting to see how the president of the United States can blatantly lie when one quick google search can prove that it is just that—a lie 4) It’s highly intriguing to see how the world reacts to such an uncommon occurrence, particularly within the internet with the resources/technology provided and 4) I hate him. In any case, I’d probably do it in book format for sure and call it something like “Big Fat Liar: Presidential Edition”. Or maybe something else. My attached image is just a quick screenshot of evidence that he lies i just screenshot up to the first three and there's hundreds more but I think this brings the point home already. It took a few seconds to find... Ugh, he's so embarrassing.