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E-Lit is to literature as a synthesizer is to music. What is a synthesizer, you ask? A synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument that generates electric signals that are converted to sound through amplifiers, speakers, headphones, etc.. E-Lit is like a synthesizer in that it converts digital material into literature through hypertext, chatterbots, interactive fiction, twitterature, emails, SMS, blogs, etc. Both E-Lit and synthesizers convert digital/electronic forms into high art––conceptual art, even. What’s more, for both synthesizers and E-Lit, the creator is required to traverse through the literature/music in a digital setting, making the very use of the medium part of the artful exchange.

One might question the analogy I established above and wonder why I did not say “A computer is to E-Lit as a synthesizer is to music.” This would seem logical, as you have each electronic device producing the forms of high art, however, I do not support the typical designation of E-lit as an sub-genre of literature. Instead, I have come to view E-Lit as the vehicle or medium in which virtual forms are transformed into literature. Deeming E-Lit as a “sub-genre” of literature seems to undermine E-Lit’s own authority and high quality. By considering E-Lit as the very vehicle in which one makes literature itself, all subjects are treated with the same degree of respect.

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Yours truly, creature

See also

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