Appendix III
Keylogger Transcript and Ambient Writing Recording

Typed by user dennysellson in TextEdit at 2012-04-25 13:28:01acnvIt's a bright Wednesday afternoon &I've just recieved the questions ifor the field exam. As a first step, I initiated this keylogger porogram atitlesd Aobo Keyloogger. This document will record all the keystrokes made over the next 24 hours. Recording a glitch-ridden computreer-centered document of the day's progress, this appendix offers an alternate text to the polished submission of the exam. The hidden, deleted, and otherwise repressed history fof composition. This transcript can stand in for many of the writing procedures discussed in the exam document itself. as a formal analogI may include other instances of this type f of relflection written only for the keylogger (all entires areries of this journalistic prose will be deleted from my computer in their final form. The limits of reconstruction based on teh maechanical strockkes of the interfacethe also point to the limits of reconstruction of the historical tetsxts discussed herein. Thank you fro reainr reading and provideing an  day of reflection and proposition. Danny Snelson, 4.25.2012  Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 13:44:48e Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 13:50:43))0_Outlines-Drafts_NoonTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 13:51:42wc nv Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 13:52:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 13:52:24` Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 13:52:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 13:52:33Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 13:52:34Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 13:52:35`awarnDaniel Scott SnelsonaField Exam Question N14.26.2012Penn EnglishBernstein, Filreis, RabateTyped by user dennysellson in TextEdit at 2012-04-25 13:54:12c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 13:54:15v Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-25 14:04:42Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 14:15:18The discussion o f contemporary periodical studiesIn iModernism in the Magazines: an Introductioni, Robert Scholes and Clifford Wulfman offmark the shift from "grenenre to database in periodical studies.contemporary In the terms of this questions, , it's important to note the role of the 'ilist iin this discussion. With ths is notion of the list thus established, we can open an answer with the blunt force of a database. What distinguisheds the database from the list is a second dimension. Discussion of Excel. Thus, before vieldingeiling these connections in the smooth prose of an essay, we can establish the essnetial catagories, ranked egories, here sorted by order of priority to this study (though any numbne oer of sorting mechanisms canbe be applied (Shillingsburg's warning to s to editorial doxa)script act theory, Liu's contingent)) based on the contingencies of any study. Additional fieldsoperating fieldsclassificatory fields include : I have given these categories names for the titles for the convenience of this essay. disciplindisciplineary affiliation, platforreferred platform, case-optional case-studies, optimal case-study objects, though this arrangment mgement should be rearticulated reconfiguredexample studies, key citations or theoretical frameworks, , and . Though not accessible in PDFthe fixity of PDF formattin,g, dropping this sorted field int o(list) into Excel (a prototype of the database operation of MySQL). would give the reader (user) access to an expanded  malleable handbook of approaches to periodical studies. fSee Appendix X4.nAppendicies afutu====a:Appendix IaaKeyloggerAppendix IITumblrAppendix xvxvIIIBook shelfAppendix IVPeriodical DatabaseStudy Dtatabase/ Experimental Poetry Appendicx VVideo (Bio) Conversation Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 14:34:00wtinteractive excel embedtw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 14:35:33`[List]Narrate the selection criteria and organization of the list. Discuss interconnections.Pereservation/Distribution Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 14:36:31Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 14:39:45V Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 14:53:07Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 14:53:13cry Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 14:54:40DSS Priority Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 14:58:35cryc Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 14:59:26Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 14:59:38Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 14:59:40Editorial CompositionTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:01:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:01:45Anticipate New Media FormatsTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:01:59Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:02:00Variant Text StudyTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:02:11Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:02:13Social Text Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:02:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:02:30MediaWriting Media Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:02:47Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:02:48Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:02:59Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:03:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:03:05Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:03:07Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:03:11Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:03:12Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:03:13Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:03:16Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 15:03:18Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:03:43Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 15:03:44Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:03:45Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:04:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:04:03Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:04:10Social ConstructionConstellation. / aaSocial Constellationa Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:08:22c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:08:25vDA Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:08:40c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:08:43vRP Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:08:54c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:08:57v Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:09:02c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:09:05v Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:09:08c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:09:11v Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:09:19c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:09:21vPOCSO ES KC TFArtifactsField ExamaCategoriesReasonsCategorises Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:14:33Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:14:51Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:16:22Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:16:27Priority Ranked Priorities of LiPeriodical Studies to Contempotrary Experimental WritingTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:17:39Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:17:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:18:06Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:18:08Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:18:15Editorial StudesTheory, BibliographyElectronic Texts, Printed Edtiitionts, , Strong eEditorial Arguments: iFormi, ilL=AiL=A=N=G=U=A=G=REi, iAvalanche, iPound, etc.iModernism in the MagazinesRobert Scholes, sAppendix Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:22:34` Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 15:22:47-IVTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:22:58Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:57:33Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 15:57:53ws0_Appendices-OutlineTyped by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 15:59:08ttumblr.com2P23A0fwidth76fimgfff34mashScarecely Wcely With Words to Thank You Here isis tIs the List 710center66left200700px7700px70w Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 16:22:41Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 16:22:44` Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 16:26:15Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 16:35:20Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 16:35:21Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 16:51:07"The word imagazine iin both and EEnglish and French meant 'storehouse' before it ever referred to printed periodicals, and it is useful for us to recognize hthe connection between these two kinds of storehouses. For the new department stores "fScholes , Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-25 16:52:271 Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 16:52:41mash_- Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-25 16:53:20w Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 16:53:35c `vRobert  i,, (): 29.``sw``````` wtrace the race periodical studies from its inception in Pound's the practice of ideological genre-based criticism ideoogy andgy and critique in "Studies froof in Contemporary Mentality" the of in the twentieth centuryEzra to the databse base a history  practices enabeled by contemporary digital resources. In the chatper "Rethingking Modernist Magazines: From Genre to Database", Scholes nad Wulfman writeand: "describe the changeis change in approach"a move from ideological or cultural constructions to the collection of data that will enable scholars to grupoup magazines in ways that will help answer the  questions of interest to them and to search those magazines for appropriate information."sssuggest "a different sappraochoach, made feasible by the digital resources becoming available to scholars working in this...,.. F, xvFollowing the field's debt to and genre study, a more fve from 'genres to dtabaatabse, case:, proposingfcv: 44-. ""proposechart the movement becoming available to scholarsThe problemso of categorizationan of either terms like ""little magazine"  Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 17:28:39Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 17:30:11Emphasizing scholarship and categories of data, the categorical emperiimperative analytical data,  over and against criticism, scultural This eis on is predicated on the "enormously intertextual affair" of reading a magazine. couched in history and unrolling over specific reperiods of time.. a momentextendedthe before usiicalWe'rll return to operative terms of this discussion in a moment, but for now, igivenDeparting fromreliance on.fcvi "Rethinging Modernist Magazines: From Genres to Database", in 44-72.kx This chapter, vtitle d nevertheless is followed by the concluding appendix , a hundred-page reconstruction of Pound's planned but, bu unserial publication of "cv." Drawn from a the argument is A question of preservations and and distributionPTheir argument highlightsof is placed What is a list e, exactly? Originally from an Old German word for a strip of paper, the word iliilist iin its early usage meant a catalog of people doing the same thing or associated with the same group, like soldiers in th he army. A list, then, is the material trace of a winnowing, a ranking, or a classification of some kind, ifor some purposei. We need to bear in mind as that in mind as we go on: list making is motivated, ed, even if the aim of the lister is to create something comprehensive. ...So it is clear that no matter how catholic oour intentions in creating a list of modern magazines, that list will be a trace of our biases, conceptions, andprecon preconceptions...So we must regard this list-making business with suspicion. kepticism. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 17:50:29If the field originated in the gnreenre disctinctions of a "simple-hearted anthropologist" inzzzzzz Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 18:23:48Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-25 18:23:52Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 18:23:53tenglishTyped by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 18:25:57Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 18:26:41Naturally, this study begining and s and ends with Pound.Ezra Pound. From this chartcharacterization of "the free magazine or the impractical or fugutive magazine"  his in "Small Magazines" to his a series of articles published in thiThe New WomaAgAge iunder the unrealized title "Studies in Contemporary mentalityMentality", Pound decisively "can may be seen to have decisvielyis demonstrated inaguguurates the serious study of periodicals as a way into modern culture. ""However, from the metholdds of central to periodical criticismof the field fcv: 14.,, which sequentially published the entire series of articles from iThe New Age i, iin .  ii,,edIndeed, rethe critical voice returns even a s the databas e attempts distribuperspective must,ted scholrarship.remains in dialog, tackinlg ling problems of classification alongside in the periodical as a "simple-hearted anthrlopologist" sorting genres into periodical specimens different large boxes.., 16-methodoology in zz the rarticle.Pound fxviThis endeaver vor is precisely T, Pound characterizes his proojapprooach is that ofgenericcv16iIn contrast tosegenre classifications of ..It is around such lists, or canons, that disciplines are formed,  ..[insteadinstead of assigning a single signifier toa ma a magazine, we need to identify a set of , we need to identify the language for desciribing magazines and develop some tools for expressing that language.fcv67-70.ixvsField-Ques0_Question-1by an the an  comprised ofreoriginallypublishingvoice reigns Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:01:44Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:02:05w `theheseFrom the list, we arrive at the databse. ase. are characteirisis the variablility of an interface.structure of data and the introduction of on which a user may perform various operationswhich provides and collectionfrom the list way in which a may throughiPrioritizing iis certainly a moden interface with a collection of data. In this sence,pTyped by user dennysellson in Dictionary at 2012-04-25 19:13:40prioritizeysa mode ofingcategories and veiling features of periodical study,  narrative orderf ``fmanoc Typed by user dennysellson in Dictionary at 2012-04-25 19:16:39Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:16:40```````````````vLev ,i,(), : 218For Scholes and Wulman, this means the driveresults in the impressive Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:19:12wtmodernist journlalsc Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:20:23Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:20:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:20:25iModernist Journal Project ionline, a great database exploreing new methods of sortigng,  and processing the great  array of Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:21:58Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:22:04periodical Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:22:09Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:22:12magazines Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:22:21Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:22:29evidence behind the phrase "modernism began in the ."f Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:22:47c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:22:51The MoiThe Modernist Journal s Project, v i Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:23:17Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:23:26propositionvariableHowever, it is one potential mode among many. (or rather, this document of examinationwithin the limited from of, a contingent demand.. might  the feature sof s periodical studymagazinezies offer to s to an analysis of contemporary experimental wriitng. thesethe xv into a data array for alternate potential arrangementsMore than a syltistic quickrk, thist(see figure 1)[(Aside from Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:30:34Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:33:55Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 19:33:58Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 19:34:02TakingBy t the invitatinon to list seriously, and extednding this exercise into a limited fieldsortable fields, the of a database, I mean to remainssTaking throughbyand extending this chart highlights multipultiple benefits o f this approach. offer the clarity of a survey with th e logic of contingency inherent ot to the field. salongsideForcefully argued in iScholarly Editing for the Computer Age i(1984)As Peter Shillingsburg as f and iFrom Gutenberg to Googlei (2006)works ranging from to , the editorial tastask of editorial scholarship (whcich we might for a moment align with periodical studies) hipisproperrespondeds contingently to "five rather fierrdifferent and mutually exclusive 'orientations' which depend on how one posits authority for or ownershpifp of operates among an array of incommmutually exclusive omethodtheoretical and methodological orientations performs, highlighting how "these editorial postithese "postiitions are all internally coherent an d viable, but no single text will satisfy the needs of all four." mutually exclusive "the selection apprpconvincinglyxIn works ranging from viihconvincingly demonstrated the ways in which which a sub-field of periodical studiesmust always , each of which is inherently nternally coherent and viable textually , depending on the textual soumaterials and under son underwork of art under under considerations cousinparallel discifield ton activity intersecting withnecessarily and the editor's notion of textual authority. . This "script act theory" operates under the database logic outlined by Manovich and the Lev  "concontingent method s deployed by Alan Liu. fManovich, iThe Lanuagguage of  New Media, i218.-243. See ; Alan Liu, iLocal TranscendanceenceL : Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Databasei, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008). : 1-26.Though from an derived from a n ia wholly di removed discipline, Shillingsburg's notino ofthisalong the linges ofdescribed In each of these instances, the  Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 20:07:08Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:07:56tehchnical and material f ``c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 20:09:02Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:09:05``vPeter L. i,(): 6can been seen to derive from the, operating along thside exbracemsimilar endeaversapprothe appmore commonly known better kno""sadvocatedrespond tomustThus, arrangesd features of periodical studies accoringding to the ppriorities of  each of whciich generates a new ordering systemarrangmentementMicrosoft the I have embeddedThis interactive element is appended as , in addition to the which supplements the static figurations  included in this paper. and experiemental wriitngicontemproary little magazinesTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 20:16:48. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:17:04Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:17:09MFeatures of Periodical Studies ies"New" "littLittle" Magazines Made Possible by the Study """"to the Analysis of Contemporary Experimental Writing""bTyped by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:20:29Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:20:33Before  Before exploring the fLong=-standing debates ofver "little"For a good description fof the problem ni in "defining littleness" see : ofsinherent to `c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:24:47w Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:24:52c`sv): 11-16 Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:25:43w Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:25:52`c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:26:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:26:01`v : aiSimilar exploration could be made s concerning "new" and "experimental" , b (Lisa Gitelman) (in Lisa SamGitelman, iAlways Already New i(,Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2006)., however we'll continue for the momentforgo.leave these appelations at the level of reference.termsly, this esaasay operates according to around the use of the workdhigher level of priority, we can linger for a paragraph few paragraphs on the database analaysisysis proposed by Scholes and Wulfman. ` Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:43:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:43:18`s With Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 20:48:23Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:48:25Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 20:48:28Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:48:34 Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 20:50:01tfacwtdss-field-exam.tumblr.comTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 20:52:00Compiling bibliographic information, circulation figures, reader demographics, dcontent summaries, tags, advertisement informatinocatalogs, and generic classification subject analysis,, the very ambition us project of digital humanities Thieis moode of study calls for the networked compilation of. Ambitionur s in scope and and supported by a ggrowing ranks of indigital humanities scholars, this feature of p(personal) , and any number f of imagined quantitative and qualitiative data for large-scale computationtextual form of periodical study offers exciting possibilities for contemporary experimental writing. fScholes and Wulfman, iModernism in the Magazines, i71.far-reaching (overor perhap Stemming from rigrous orous bibliographical  studies such as RJed Rasula's iAmerican Poetry Wax Museumi, far-reachniextensive archival reconstuructions such as Alan Filreis' iCounter-Revolution of the Wordi, and or the ``fmottc Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:05:07Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 21:05:09Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:05:12``culturalinventories detaileddetailed bibliographic exhuaustive volumes such as vFrank 'si,, calatogs includesed in Gwen Allen's `w`c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-25 21:10:23Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:10:26`vi iorand Steve Clay adn  Rodney Phillip's iA Secret Location on the Lower East Sidei, s Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:30:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:30:14the project of database analysis "distant reading" in Moretti's termFrano co forummulaition Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:31:52wtfranco moretti distantTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:37:55, or humanities computing more gnenerallythe project ofcertain notableexpoloratory works like orfulfille Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:40:33tdss-eex-fierww Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:43:28Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 21:43:31dr Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:43:58www Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 21:44:47Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:47:23Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 21:47:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 21:48:47opens possibilities potential the possibility of undiscovered patterns anand unimagined connections in contemporary experimental writing. We can imagine a heightened precionssicioncision to Rasula's study, or a more exhaustive catalog of mimeograph publications on the lowerpublications from the revolution.hile it's possible toIt'sCurrently, it'sincreasedand wider scope economic of poetry publicationsworks forming Hoeverwev,er, content anylalysis patterns in , diata visualiztations of poetry groups, publication networks,  or  remain less the use of, to name only two potential outputsss s less than  and form, form and, genre in poetry magazines social groups of writers enmeshed in  subject to experiment. In this way, Scholes and Wolfman suggest, "we can move beyongd the methodology of Pounds's 'simple-minhearted anthrolpologist' and disperse nse with boxes, large and small, altogether.."fScholes and Wulfman, 72. Indeed, perhaps Elizabeth Eisenstein put it best,  in her definitive study iThe Printing Press as an Agent of Changei, : "If it is too vast to be handled by any single scholar, however, it is , buy the same token, also too vast to be avoided by any single scholar.and little "i, in reference to the projectwhat could have been a perfect digital humanities proto-digital humanities  sweeping f `feisc Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 22:03:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:03:12`vElizabeth L/ . i, (),) 42,s I it is interesting, though perhaps not surprising, that it is precisely the type of data called for by Scholes and Wulfman that's absen t from the batdatabexcontemporary experdatabases of experimental writing like Eclipse and UbuWe, PennSoundb. I will discuss the implications of this further in the second essay, but for now we acan note the relative ssome shortcominof the challenges to this mode of periodical study.the humanities computeringing Aside from the reallative unimpressiveness of ly results muost queries have generated (likely more a problem of information design and data visualization than inherent structural , which are problems witdeficiencies in this computation al approach, there is a great deal of activity work bnecessary work beyond these strictures.   computational model . databasef Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 22:18:47tmoretti novelTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:19:02Franco Moretti Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 22:19:14fnovelTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:19:45Instead, as McGann notes, "modern computational tools are extremely apt to execute one of the two permanent functions of scholarly criticismthe editorial and archival function, the rememberance of things past."f Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 22:29:15Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:29:17`fmcgannc ``vJerome , i, i(i(), 818.,,,,,  Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 22:32:04dir Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:37:46informationiiiabsense ce xrecall Jerome McGann's statement that '"vzzzzzzzzz Typed by user dennysellson in CopyPaste Pro at 2012-04-25 22:39:21nTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:39:29xrecall Jerome McGann's statement" "vzzzzzzzzz xrecall Jerome MccGann's speculation: vx vOn the other hand, "THe other function is much more problematic: "how can digital toold be made intoother functioncritical reflection , premised on " the necessity to "imagine what we don't know in a disciplined and deliberated fachionshion", summarized as or th e capacity to, remains beyond the purview of digital humanities computing. at the present largely fMcgGann , iRadiant Textualityi, 18. The IVANHOE gaGam may be seen as a notable exgame, among other speculative programs,ception t.sxvSing of the type exemplifies by McGann'sd However, certain types of sas reada  to this challengeresponsesAt the Even acecepif we accept the power of TEI and SGML markup languages, realted the material text resists all formsindexical all has remainsed stubbornly resistance to attempts at full indexical relation. McGann details the cse challenges in e difficultincomensuratedifficulincommensurate value systmesem of images and xv's work on iTh e Rossetti ti Archive iand account of his iand iThe Blake Archive i, ireveals the myriad ways in which markup and indexical markup languages.the necessary and  fMcGann, RadianiRadiant Textualityi, 88-97. M"The Appendix to chapter 3, "Editing as a Theoretical Perursuit" concludes: "But the limitations tof such an approach are also painfully clear."This atrethe chatperpter titledis Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 22:56:53Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 22:57:10is Thus while huamanities computering remains a high priority to certain types of scholarship, and giving the right speculative en inventive may server  the recognition of certain patterns in excontemporary experimental writing publiperiodicals, zeusefulthe stratgeegy remains rooted in editorialtechnologymost useful tostrategy and archival function. s. more than analytical activities.speculative, , critical, and  and critical scholarcshipsis We might turn, at this juncture to the McGann's notino of the social text,  on magazines Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 23:05:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:24:22IWhile the experimenal writing databsease may aid in memryoryis anto, i it still demands a human actor to go, as Filries noteseids demonstrates, "beyond Z"imagine critical activitiey 'past"past Z" into the "miscellaneous, unidentifiesd, anonymous, oncunctataloged, misindexed".accompany Al Filries in y the potetics of scholarship yet , as Filreis writes, andf `ffilrec Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 23:29:11Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:29:12``vAlan i, (), xxiiis Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 23:30:44For these objects awaiting identification and, cataloging, and indexing, wbibliographic codes and the construction of the social text. Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 23:38:02Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:38:24In , helpfully rendered periodical for a theory of reading the magazine as a key into experimental writing. sexploration of "the text as a laced network of linguistic and bibliographical codes," where "textuality is a social condition of various times, places, and persons."f `c ``vjeromeJerome  i, () , 1613,  Of course, undert  t  this aegis, ipoets understand i"poets undersatntand texts better than most information technologists."fMcGann, iTextual Conditioni, 14. Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-25 23:51:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:51:33Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 23:51:35Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:51:46Naturally, as the Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-25 23:53:08Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-25 23:54:13eis materialist hermeneutics of autopoetic mechanisms remainescape the informational structures of meaning and noise of andlinguistic meaning.-15 ofstrictures of Typed by user dennysellson in Dictionary at 2012-04-25 23:59:25stricturesTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:03:31Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 00:03:35Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:03:45Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:08:431While waiting for a quantum poetics in guided by a Jarryean ean a computer named jarry, Jarry, the student of the experimental poetry magazine can stattrrt Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 00:10:31ctvw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:10:50a study of textuality witscholarcould find worse places to being than gin tracing the social text ''s enacted in little magazines. than no better plamaterial forbyfind vantagethan the platform z Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 00:15:44ttublmblrr As an inventory of effectpossibilities, we can examine the useful subset of bibliographic codes, defined by Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker as 'periodical codes'the :"the  at iplay in any magazine":`` wc Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 00:26:16Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:26:17`v ... , includingiPeter Brooker and Andrew Thacker adopt thiconstructlist as usesketch out a  useful for Adaptingadapt McGann to constuructf`c Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 00:28:42Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:28:43`vi: Volume I, Britain and Ireland 1880-1955aBiuiouilding out from the material text, Radiatingeach ach magazine offers a wealth of data on th e relationshp bip between the bibliographic interpretive possibilityies buoiltand .upinternal and external periodical codes. A thick description of these relations various , in conjunction with a cconcertlose reading of the linguistic codes of the text, materialtext, s itself constructs a fuller visnarrative of understanding of the poetic text. poetic writing as social text experimenaltal Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-26 00:37:366ComputaHumanities Computing7Digital humanHumanities,Database I, TEI, Markup SystmesemsiThe New AgeaxvaxviModernist MagaJournal Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 00:42:58tmodernist magazine projectwmodermoderTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:43:35Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-26 00:43:37sThe Project, Franco Moretti, , Periodical StudiesNew Media TStudiesCultrual StudiestrBibliography, Material TextsMaterial Editorial Theory,  and ScholarshipMedia StudiesSociologyFrankfurt SchoolBeWalter benBejnjaminBarrett Watten, BrBruno LatourPreferredLisa Gitelman, Lev ManovichMarshall McLuhan, Jerome McGannJerome McGann, MatthewMathew KirschenbaumRandall McLeod, Rondom, John Bryant, , Craig SaperxFriedrich Kittler, vsMultiple Editions, John BryantMultiple Persons in Involved in Publications with via Multiple Agents or in Multiple FormsVSObsolete Writing Technologies or PrintingMultiple Author Issuesy andies Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 00:55:49w Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 00:55:55and not forgetting thea close reading of the may within a lagrger netwokrk or This is precisely Craig Saper's approac  in reading the "i"intimate bureacracies" formed in the periodical gift exchange. among experimental writers engaged infree receviable / Barthes / assemblings. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 01:00:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 01:00:44s Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 02:57:14Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 02:57:31r Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 02:57:45Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 02:57:51Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:00:09Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 03:00:12Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:00:29networked activitynalysisformal THFor Saper, McGann opens a 'sociopoetic' mode of reading the variosus assemblings, formeformed and finding meaning in the various schemes of distribution and reception. Adding to f```c `vCraig J. i(_,), 11, configuring the publicationswas publications imay smmall press "publications imagine 'writing 'as part of the aa social event of persons' "." constituted by" "tthe "inherently social process of constructing texts is expended to the point that infdividual pages or poems mean less than the distribution and compilation machinery or social apparatusa of network arted and poetry'receivable  'and the to the point thatmechschemesuntilSaper reminds us how "from the perspective of the tewenty-first century, assemblings may look like experiments in networked productions in general and serve as a model for electronic media networks."fSaper, 14.Adding to McGann's exanded field of material hermeneutics, Saper considers the pereriodical in terms of BROland Barthe's s' nconcept of the "recievable "'', differentialed ted from tboththe  the 'readerly' texts of narrative realism and the 'writerly' texts of modernism. fSaper, 3.Highlighting the 'unpublishable' andiiiis third catergory of gory of unpublishable intimate distribution, "" Saper offpresents sa mode of reading experimental writing tha tt sidesteps the trapps of postmodern pastiche and from the 70sssixties and seventies neo-avant-garde discourses. dominant art historical of pastiche and neo-avant-garde, per Instead, Instensely tnensely intimate, colletctively constructesd, and decdidedly of-maf-market, "this socwe can read little magaziensnes as "the sociopoetic practice was the production , distribution , and use of periodicals as artworks and poetry."ifSaper, 152. Emphasis in original.relation to Futrther, [pperiodicals]finds threads in this lost reocovershistory that enableto observe Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 03:33:08Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:34:48Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 03:34:51Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:35:45alternate Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Excel at 2012-04-26 03:37:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:37:35As the snew media forms of experimental writing continnue to evolve in social mediaa dominated internetacross palatoforms on the dominant , the study of periodicals presents both a frame robust for distributed poeticsa socioas well as a wide array of alternate futures for networked writing. Immediate analogies are abundant: Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 03:40:35Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 03:43:03of scholarly priorities or practical edtiroorial engagementhave toward outlining pressing issues and demonstrating an full array of optionspotentialistiesdiverseaScholes and Wulfman compare Pound's articles to blog posts, periodical series "Studies in Contemporary Mentality"a concerted set of the traditional 'works recieeived' even go  ("he is something like scontemporary bloggers, discussing what comes to mindhand, taking up a new project each week")as an exercise in criticalb blogging hypermediated content can is often configured according to fScholes and Wulfman, iMi18. in compoararison to periodical intertext, material editorial independent publishing inthroughout the mimeograph revolution anticipates digital instant digital 'publication',  ("in a very real sense, almost anyone could become a publisher")fz, extended published engagement across issue of magazines is remediaateintensifies by the poetry listserv and the list could go on from here. `c `v; Steven ,i, (), 14 "A Little History of the Mimeograph Revolution", ind (Watten's "Multiauthors and the Listserv" is one example)Barrett Watten, `fwattenc `vi(n), 94-102; Berrettarrett potent among many and indepentedent publicationsssociopoetic The pointntThe point is simply  As older forms of media arecontinue to remediate into new media enviroonplatformsthe conent tent of new media Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:13:59tmculuhan the content of new mediafcontentfaphorismfcontentw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:16:25into, Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:17:20Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:18:44It is clear , since McLuhan that oldnew media refashions old media. In the dual logic of hypermediacy and transparencyBoter andlter and Grusin characterize this process of remediation doubleas: "Our culture wants both to multiply its media and to erase all traces of mediation: ideally it, it wants to erase its media in teh very act of multplying them."f `fbolterc Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:21:17Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:21:19``vJay  , i, () 5, As Manovich as demonstrated with cinema, and Gitleman with the computer's long remediation cultural transcoding ofhFor just this reason, attention to pervious formhistorical formats of distribution, networked distribution are essnential to the study of contemporary writing. isan compoenent oftime=-based forhas been's iUnderstanding Mediai,the content of anyformat is a previousnbeneath  allis comporisedrised ofbyforms of 'new' Similarly, If "all mediation is remediation", as Bolter and Grusin argue, and "in this genealogy, oleder media can also remediate newer ones", there is not aspect of media communication that escapes the historical network of including writing technologiesmediation. reforcesmutualfBolter and Grusin, 55.sTyped by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:35:11Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:36:05Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:36:08r Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:38:13oresplendidly reveal s in thethe markup language cfuctnionionsfunctinos operations according to the history ofcharacter of via th"the editors's s's' bardbed wire" in transcriptions of Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:41:59Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:43:01digital sEmerson's journal., the history of media revealmedia archeology is an essentiaal compoan six printed voluems the six-volume media are relfexflexive historical subject. s..The contemporary uses of this approach ipmmportant tonce of thiss approach is exemplified by int eh way an is a recurrent aspect of new media studies: take for example, the way in which'sdexplorations off``c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 04:50:03Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 04:50:04``vLisa ,i (), 117-121. formsthe study ofisFollwoinonigwing these efforts into periodicalsLittle magazines provide further inscnetentive along these lines as they offer a protracte d ctaatalog of effect s Experimental writing, given the relative freedome from m  normative pressuereseconmoomic . The forms of writing are thus on full display in teh magazine. It's difficult to condlclude this line of reasoning without rescourse to a soft citation of Kittler's maxinaxin m, "media"meidia determine our situation, which (nevertheless of for that reason) merits a desciprtionription"M. Here, we can find agreement in r..Operating at their limits, even antinquated media become sensitive enough to register the signs and indices of a situation.f ``c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:03:56Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:03:58``vFriedrich i "Preface to Gramophone, Film, Typewriter", in(), , ed. John Johnston28-29 array of bibliographic codes, experimental arrangments, and variety of e together offer a passage into the complex of writing platforms operating todaydistribution mechanisms,  inventionsarchive of little ssforward provides various  sunderstanding Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:12:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:12:45sFreidrich e Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:13:37Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:13:43fSee Manockvich on Vertov'sDziga iMan With a Movie camerCamerai for the a database reading of the catalog of e, fo ror exmpleamplample,for an explanation of daatabse ase analysis ofthe use value important fof this e catalog of effects to contemporayry culture.ce's Manovich, xi-vi-xxxvi.Even the mechanistic arreading of variant texts performance byed by Randall McLeodanother potential feature of speriodical study, as texts often appear in variant forms from one issue to the next, and in revised formateds for later book publicationcall of for a human connected to a n analog collator. f Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:25:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:25:12``feggertc Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:25:31Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:25:31`Random Cloud, "Enter Reader Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:25:55tgothic unicodeTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:26:11Reader", in vxi, ieds. vPaul , (), 23to interface with, all o, each variation of which provides endless grist for close readinglimitless wc Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 05:30:33Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:31:02Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:31:04Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:31:06`We might add to  Beyond group formation We find this v  sociopoetic echoesing Bernstein's "Conspiracy of 'Us'": from a periodical vperspectivef `c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:35:04Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:35:04`vi Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:35:20Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:35:21` Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 05:35:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 05:35:25`6acnvwcan herearnaturPerhaps the most remarked uponpon quality of periodical studies for contempoary rwritingexperimental writing is is the constitution of group formations.from moderin the avant-garde through to constructions and the constellation of traditions or poloticitics TWhile this remains a priority for any periodical study, we'll The magazine is provides a material basis for unravelling these knotty issues from without falling prey to the dual dangers in historicism and less theorized potential one the hydra of chimerahistoriographcic impasses. the impasse of cultural the pluralism of cultural criticism critiquefetishistic logic  Instead of reading exception al object, the magaizzines or sympottomatic sattatementsinscriptionsprovides literary history with networks of associsationation to chart and vast bodies of interrelated documents to map.s If our current situation in experimental writing is comprised of diverse projects of found and recontextualized text, from conceptual writing to flraarf, the periodical and attendant theories of editing and material text persent the most robust apparatus fofor repractices of editorial theory and , social tex,t, and bibliographya the sunderstadnnding composition with fluid text. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 06:01:31Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:01:56Borrowing this term from John Bryant, author of "iThe Fluid Text,: A Theoyry of Revision and Editing for Book and Screeni, rather than Kenneth Goldsmith, opens up a vast historical discussion fof remediating text and charting the changes in any ongoing textual compositional process. While BryantIn a sense, deforming Bryant's study of varversions and revisions in Melville's iTypeei to suit contemporary poetics, we may cite a significatnnt passage:resonantA revision has a beginning, middle, and end, and its end  T oo come to the point, the cultural meaning of a fluid text is in the pressure that results in changes made in one text to create another and the degree of diffrerence, or the distance, between two texts. Thus, a poetics of teh fluid text is a poetics of revision, whether that change is induced by an individual writer, a social demand, or as is often the case, a combination of the two. While we might like to add other operators to this equation, 's usage of the phraseeditingual objects an the algorithms and poetics remain of revision remain pertinent to scholarship of contemporary writing.forms ,forms of experimenalt tal dominated by revisionacts of A revision has a beginning, a middle, occupies space and reflects the passage of time; it reveals options and choices; it has direction. It is a chrod of dissonances and harmonies, and not a single note. A writer's revision presents us with multiple texts vying for position on the page. In revision, writers exist, it may be said, not in the linear sequence of their words , but but in the shifting tides of the language they use, in their ichoice iof words and the distance between one choice and the next. rf``c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 06:23:55Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:23:55``vJohn ,i(), 62fBryant, 12-13.Augmenting this differential qequation, we may study the meta-composition of the magazine editor. As a wrtactics , subject to sscrutiny both the scrutingy of creative writer and editorial . These tactics,  prepare the way for a study of the fluid textual practices, from streaming code poems to approFDavid Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 06:27:32Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:27:53priation to potetics full-textproceduarral , and every mode of revision in between. Studying poets as editors, and editors as poets,  Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 06:30:50Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:31:10 amidst an arraywithinth the databse ofase of revision and mediation, the magazine fianally invents to he circulates to all subscribers of to contemoprary  writing.experimenal necessarily poetics of the editorial sssbTyped by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 06:39:24Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:39:40Describe Given With the strategies pervoutlined above, it may prove useful to condlueclude with two case studies onby reading two maagazines in terms of preservthe tension between preservation and distribution. included onin on in the field life st Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 06:45:54r Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 06:51:16helpfulthat remain caught in theWhile one may Further demonstrating medial concerns and concerns with media , editorial authortiity,  In truth, I've never seen either of the magazines. One is preserved online, while another is distributed as a prreprint. ed facsimile PerhapsPr Or perhaps it's the other way around, withth the online iissue dmagazine one magazine distribution online, while the other is preserved in fascimile reissue. Both stem from teams of two editors with highly authori levels of editorial authority in teh arragenemengement and , selection an, and distribution of their respective periodicals. co- brieflyxv, with the other is ed eBoth Both remain influential to the strains of aesthetic practice they helped formulate.magazines And finally, both were isreissues by poet-scholarsd Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:04:49tprimary intecplipselipsew Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:06:06in 2012.0. Rather than delve into the magainzine as such, we will eacha stabalized object, Thus, rather tarchivist-we will remain at the level of the reissue, exploring the vexed relationshipsinterchanging between preservatinon and distribution.bAvalanch magae Magazine, ied. James Hoff, May 20120Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:08:51ww Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:09:20i FirstiFirstiBbFirst, we may examing e Craig Dworkin's edition of iL=A=N=G=A=U=A=G=Ei, Instead of readinging the magazine, in d this instance wille will we will examin thee in interfancece and bibliographic codes of the mediating and cultural ss along with the , hostedon on Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:11:56`wTyped by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:13:04w Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 07:13:09hypermnesiaTyped by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:21:44Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:25:04Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:25:10Ecplisei, ian online archvieiv e of Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:25:25Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:25:27Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:25:46c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:25:48"v".f Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:25:55c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:25:57iEclipsei, ed. Craig Dworkin, v Typed by user dennysellson in TextEdit at 2012-04-26 07:26:44nv Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:27:14Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:27:46p Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:29:07Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:29:11In shades of grey, the  full run of the magazine is hosted in both JPG image and  facsimile and PDF transcription.newly set Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:30:13Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:30:36GIFfPrecisely, the background can be coded as v. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:31:35Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:31:37Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:32:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:32:40, it is perhaps no acidecident that newer versionfs of Firefox present a slightly darker grey (#222222) as the most neutral background to for image viewing. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:33:32`Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:34:13w Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:34:19Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:34:23While the PD wF was made in 2003, Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:34:37Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:34:44Februaru as  degraded images online high qualityreading copeiesy ofthe GifIF files were generated in 2009. , when the full run of the magazine was coded into the new site while iEcplise iwas still hosted in by Princeton University,Tlp. However, the browsing Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:37:14Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:37:206 ew servers hosted by Princethe UNiversniversity of Utah. ThePart of the metadata written into the digital facsimile, these dates obopossing dates tracee the this string of datesboth the web page and shistory of the archive along with its object. s. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:39:18w Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:39:23Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:39:31ww Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:39:47August of meanMeanwhile, the page istel tself is dated last modified on Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:40:18wcc Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:40:34vat .  forhosting the magazineWith thistheIndeed, in teh most telleloquent Dworkin presenting s the most 's own analycritical reflections on the iEcplilipsei, Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:42:06ww Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:42:20, the precise date and time that htethe first index to ilL=A=N=G=A=Y=U-A-G-E=A=G=Ei WAS was published, hypermediating the full contents and creating a new interface to the magazine as a wholepublished in a paper titled "Hperyper Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:43:41Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:43:41mnesia"c Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:43:47Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 07:43:48t"vTyped by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:44:09Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:44:12(excedef. or, exactingly a mediacal term for exactingly precise memory) ch, characterize the destruction necessitated by distribution:digitalarchival Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:46:09c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:46:13, "v"f Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:46:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:46:30Craig Dworkin, "Hypermnesia Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:46:40Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:46:41s", iboundary 2 Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:46:54Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:46:56i36:3 (2009): 84. Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:47:15Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:47:19Caught between compression formats scalable to online distribution and Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:47:39Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:47:39accurate facisimilie ie e reproduction, iiDworkin explains, Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:49:13Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:49:16Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:49:20c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:49:28Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:49:35cc Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:50:29Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:50:39Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:50:45Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:02Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:05Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:11Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:13"digital media Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:18Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:19generate a Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:23Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:23continual dynamic of Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:28 between fidelity and Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:33Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:34degr Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:37Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:38adation." Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:46, accurate facsimile and Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:51:54Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:51:54serviceable impersonation In this It is interesting to highlight the GIF format here, as most other puobjects archived at iEcplise iuse JPG. Much lossier,  and currently employed as in ironic or nostalgic animations by net artists, the GIF image was much more popular in 2003 when  surely generated as one f of the first objects in the archive. sweresmomeIn n retrospect the pixelated grain of GIF compression perfectly matched the xerox aesthetic of the original. inal printed artifact. These layers of mediation holdpresent their own bibliographic signification. As)(each  Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:56:28Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:56:29vHowever, regardless of high resolution images or ermore perfect digital facsilmies, the pararchiaval praradox outlined by Derrida in iArchive Fever iremain:s:. Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:57:41Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:58:26Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:58:29Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:58:30Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:58:32, the objects are fetishes for ememory In Dworn Dworkin's capitulation:, the tension between preservation and distribution can be summarizesdin digital formates as followsf Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 07:59:51Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 07:59:52Dowrkworkin, "Hypermnesis", 85. Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:00:18Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:00:22fDworkin, "Hypermnesis," 84.As Dworking reads  Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:03:08Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:03:11Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:03:21c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:03:23However, he reminds the reader:v Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:03:57Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:04:01fcvFollowing McGann and , Dworkin proceed to explore s to unpack his libthe mlibrary library Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:06:05tbenjamin unpackw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:06:15histhebehind iEcplilipsei, with an Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:06:42Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:06:42Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:09:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:09:17the material specificities of the is archive are the focus of 's essay as he. A Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:09:59Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:10:15,  and the archive deoperates conducts a creative destruction of its necessarily sholdingstranslated into theReadingReading bibliographicIn this life, ght, we may transition to cold Primary Information's republicaiton of the full run of iAvalanche imagazinei Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:13:05Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:13:07w Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:13:10Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:13:13in mMay of 20120.bL=bbL=A=N=G=U=A=G=Ei, 20120i2003-bAVALvcaalanche, 2010the precision of this Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:14:56Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:15:04Edited by james HoffjameJames Hoff and Miriam Katzeff, Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:15:18Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:15:27wwwwwwfavalancwwwww `Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 08:17:55` Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:30:07the spotthisspotlight on "old(-fashioned) media",20120 the reissue epublications  reprints all Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:31:22Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:31:24Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:31:27Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:31:2713thirteen issues of the original magazine. The first eight are presented inas exacltt facsimlie e reprints, down to the weight of the paper. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:32:09, dimensions of the page and the whle thile the Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:32:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:32:45lsast five are bound ina book book format that models the original size of the Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:33:09Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:33:10toriginal taboloid newspapreer Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:33:30Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:33:32Printed in glossy Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:33:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:33:47square editions until 1973, and Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:34:00Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:34:01as a tabloid newspaper until 1976. , iAvalalanche i the ireissue mimics the materiality of the original copversionsFirtst published from Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 08:35:49Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 08:35:501970 to thenis remarkable in its ry of thefacsimle ile a What the uncanny first eight issues provide is an atemporal glimpse into the aobject as impossibly new and uncomfortabely old. While the issue preserve Here the preservation of all bibliographic codes (, including $2 impiossblibly rare until mythicalllyhighly reflexive In a sense, it is only thise latest edition , most recently erefreshed that the user can access. However, with this single addition written into the site, , most recently refreshedit is that speak ofWith without further remediation by sevices rvices suchlike archive.rorg producinged tremebndous discomfort. s both and hyperattentive -media opacity. The anachronistic pricing on teh cover$2standing in marked contradition to the $150 price tag for the . snctissSimlarly, the occasional speck of dust ofr icrease  caught in the 1200dpi scanning process that recaptured the original magazines mixes with new dust and user ear. wear. The difference grows harder to recognize. Like forgeries of great painting, s, the iPriPrimary Information iAvalanche iissues are a little too precise, a little too .impossibly asavailable and (far exceeding the precision of the naked eye)of capturing Symptomatic of a print-on0-demand, supply flexible supply cutlture, where nothing is as it seams, ems,  and temproal anachronism is recognized a signtaurature of the controlds al lculture on and off the web, the magazine becomies  publishingeconomics 3D printingandand and graphics,signals new trends in distribution and further simulacral  effects of preservation.duplicatedin alongside re As a responsible bibliographer andand cognizant consumer, the fraud is eas ty to spot. However, locate imaiging the future of speculative futures for periodical study, inwith consideringone can't help but wonder a tt the possibilities in new archival the archive-to-come., the oward the potential  creative destruction, planned obselescence , potentials.Is Interlude and&& Tarnansitinoon : :::bwherein , and generalized spatializationself-awarecriticalbReading Magazines bLists and & DatabasesListsAs a subtext to the 'langaege of magazines' we might read theiThe Language of New Media. According to Lev manocivhManovich, what proposedulittle iz';': another one syntagm of the database paradigmpossible withinswihthins Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 09:26:03nanncharaljeanField Exam SubmissionDear Ann Marie, Charles, Al,Charles, Al, Jean0-Michel, and Ann Marie,Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 09:27:55n Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 09:27:58Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 09:28:00`c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 09:28:07Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 09:28:09`va2Typed by user dennysellson in TextEdit at 2012-04-26 09:28:31c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 09:28:34v iiii `s Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 09:32:37mashTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 09:33:38swss2 Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:15:54Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:16:08If the answer to the first questions was marked by an academicized style andwith a density of references proper to bibliographic inquscholarship, the following exploration is modelsed generic format of my can bereplete with thecomon a variety of expositionwriting new media technologies. , strung togethercon complete thtat compete wtith classic modes of narrative engagement. Perhpaaps the best in data base culture Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:29:18Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:29:34iNOSTALGIA FOR A LOST ORDER IS A FORM OF NOISE THAT THAT NOISE HAS USES IS FAIRLY OBVIOUS TO WHOEVER READS THE NEWSPAPER OR LISTENS TO PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESSES THEY CREATE A BARRIER THROUGH WHICH IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO HEAR OR SPEAK TO WRITE POETRY TODAY IS TO ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE OVER A VERY NOISE Y EY Y CHANNEL . . . IN THEORY IT IS POSSIBLE TO COMMUNICATE EVEN OVER A CHANNEL OF NEARLY UNLIMITED NOISE WITH SUITABLE METHODS OF CODING HOW IF THE NOISY CHANNEL IS ALSO IN OUR OWN HEAD.David Antin, isonme/thing i, i1965Follingwoing Antin's prophetic statement disturbingly contemporary, reprinted in iRadical Coherencymethod of thinking-while-writing alongside this manifesto: Selected Essays on Art and Literatyre, 1966 50 to 2005i. i, ithis essay attempts to think throughperform a reading of the database within a genre markers including (submitting a talk poem may be too radical for this forum) uconventionsanswerethe essay, , the memoir, cinema, digital performance writing transcription, and archival periodic archival construction. Naturally, only the first of thisese genres can be presenting ined in this document.two within,  Hoewever, the attached appendices perform simultaneously perfo perform relatedintegral tasskstasks integral to my argument here. Thus, the best introduction Perhaps the best introduction it would be best to explain thesedescribe this sppupplemental activity as an introduction to my writing performance on this page.abAppendix IIiib, and in three related Further, each reflects a formal aspect of one fotof the databseases engages certain formal properties properties under consideration.three Given this arrangment, iteshould prove helpful tbegin by ingthefeatured crwritingmovienetoworkperiodicalThe P Typed by user dennysellson in TextEdit at 2012-04-26 10:44:25`` Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:44:50Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 10:44:51Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:44:53`The Periodical Tumblrb: http:// Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:45:48c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:45:51v BebBeginning with the title: " Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:46:22c Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:46:24v" dictated by the constraintes of Tumblr's formatting letter -count titling mechanism,, this site has been this site confsuses the periodical with the citation , , and digital archive. As a functional analog to the type of format formaliEcpliselipse iarchive, this the Tubmblr page producesces an image-based Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:49:03Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:49:31 facsimiles of the texts consulted in the writing of these ansis eaxam.pages citednd in the  selectedm . ArchivEachStrictly a twenty-four hour experiment, this e Tumblr highlights the difficulties of imagining the periodical format from an archiva ll stnandpoint., not to mention to generalized problems in temporalizing new media object.temporality ofs the more identifying theThe images remain unsearchable, presented onin JPG format. ABuilt in presets for imageTumblr viewing are deployed for both thumbnail arrdesign and full-size reading copies. -s Rarely used for textual distribution, image-based textual distribution, Tumblr proves to be as effproficeiient at displaying digital texts as any number of altdigital reading platforms. Each image is stamped to the second. , providing a detailed history of this exam's reading practice. s. referenceAgugmenting this record are the assorted symbols used in the margins for exam preparation: each artifact bears multipliee histories, whic materialh may be redad on any nubember of of levels of interpretation. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 10:56:47tlossierw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 10:57:09Serving as the index to iEclipsei, and primarily generated during te he composition of an easssay concerning periodical studies, the reference texts can appendix this essay's sections onthe previousbe extended bridged from one potential use in the footnotes, to indefinite speculative engagements with the iEcplise iperiodarchive.pbAppendix III `Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:02:16ssAmbietn-nt-Typing-AudioTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:02:58Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:03:00Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:03:01`Keylogger Transcript and Ambient Writing ReRecordingbBeginning at 12:00PM, Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:03:54axTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:11:38 on M on April 25th, 2012, Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:12:01Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:12:13I initiated the Aobo Keylogger program for mMac. The  The software utilizes Kext kext logterminal log functions to record every keystroke of.  and every program openning. ned. PrimThe primary audience for keeyloylogger software re are twos: those that plant surveillance on foreign computers Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:14:11x Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:16:41with hope to capture passwords or financial data, 10 ) and 2) those that want to srurveil l spy on the computer usage of intimates , like children or significant others. I Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:17:44tlance wakeling Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:18:06It has also been used by Lance Wakeling to generate the luscious conceptual writing project titled iSic: Notes from a Keylogger Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:18:45Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:18:47i, whchich records every keystroke for an entire year. As I am typing this setntence and making mistakes, the program is silently and invisibly tracking my errors. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:19:33tcharles bersnteinnstein typewriter tapefcorrectin Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:20:02I should also mentino thatt this record is derivitive of a poem entitles d "Lift Off"." ,, that while investigating a different writing technologiy, persentess the same noisy channel of error and autobiographical error. e In In contrast to these two works, this kyeloggereylogger only prI have calibrated the keylogger to record only lettters typed in sequence (unlike Wakeling, who records every deliterete, space, and enter command),  so the result is misleadingly legible,  and directly reflective of hte active generation of letters (unlike Bernstein, who transcribes only the ba'backdeletions' of the typewriter). As a soundtrack to this recording, an audio recording of standard reading length , compressed at 128 kbps MP3as an in MP#3 format  captures the performance of the writing of this paragraph and the. I have just begun the ambient environment and keyboard acoustic that accompany the began began the recording on in Audacity ,  at the onset of the description of this Appendix. Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:25:54Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:25:56It has now been recording for 21 minutes. It should come as no surpiserise that this appendix introduces the iPenniPennSound iarchive, with which we are intimately familer. irar. Upon the complete of this eaxam, the PiPennSound iarchive is will be augmentsed by the a recent Edit Series event featuring Jarrod Folwler, who non-scripted a similar performance of the blank spaces of the Kelly Writers House.empty (a dark and emtpty WArts Cafe, a, the mathematical generation of silence, a video recording of the Helix HederaHedera Helixi iin the Writers House garden) This function is indebted to that collaboration and seeks to engage in a dialog with the sound and annotation database presented by iPennSoundi. Where How ca,  by askingm , how can one record the aural eaudio fof a wirritten performance?. The appendixogether, these components of this appendix abAppendix IV Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:31:43Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:31:51`` Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:31:57Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:31:57``BookshelfPeiriodic Bookshelf AnimationTime-LapsebEverybEvery thirty minutes, a picture of the Over the 24-tewenty-four hours of the exam, shifting configuration of bookookbooks listed in the field proposal at thirty minute intervals, I hvave taken a. Luckily all hard copies fit neatly in two  the span of two shelves adjeacent to my writing desk. As books are used and returnedOriginally, all books were alphabetized and straightenec. d. , cited and scannined, a n  sequential narrative of referencescitation and reading is emerges citation emerges.  in time-lapse delay. - Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:36:59Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:37:01Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:37:03Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:37:10The periodic nature of this appendix merges with the simlilar operations of the Tumbler interface and the obsessive recording of the keylogger. surveillanceprecise time-stamping Once all images are captured, the complete set of 48forty-eight digital photos will be compressed into a single animatded GIF. Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:39:30tandy lampert whitney booksTyped by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:40:07In someIN Responding to Andy Lmampert's recent discussion of his Whitney Biennial epxanded d cinema installationlecture at Penn, particularly iVarieties of Slow i(20098). The resulting new movie responds in thetheWhitney Biennial, However However, where Lampert featurestgages a still image of a shelf with theprojectionscinematicsingfilm featuring a static of books, this GIF movie retains the static frame of a GIFthis appendix ,  constantly shifting constnant movement of books within the  animation. Of course, this is a dialog with UbuWeb.iforgeds  Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:45:07tubuweblampertw Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 11:45:31the "YouTube of the avant0garde-garde"iubuWeb, U. Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:46:08Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 11:46:33Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:46:43Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 11:47:44Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:47:51DSS_)Fiel_Field-Exam_2012Field-spokspoAmbietnt WField Exam Writing Performance Audio RecordDanny SnelsonPenn EnglNGLngl Dept12012 Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:50:12Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 11:50:15Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 11:50:17The basic proposition behind this activitanswer attempt to s to reply to the possibility of "for someone to "perform a reaiding of the database in this instance." potentialquestion concerning the possibilities ofe modes in which I mightgiven the tactics of deformance (McGann), formal miimitation (McLuhan)mediacpoetics, and  withthacticas that by necessity laie beyond te sche scope of the formal requirement of the exam. s Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:00:45Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:01:07Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 12:01:11m Typed by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:01:23Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 12:01:26Typed by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:01:48field-examTyped by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 12:02:00qmm Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:03:22Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:03:25ttorpeTyped by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:03:43keyloggerquestion-2Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:05:06exam-questionfield-exam/question-2.htmllTyped by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:05:52Typed by user dennysellson in iTunes at 2012-04-26 12:06:24dan formance, 4.26.12Typed by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:07:15Typed by user dennysellson in Audacity at 2012-04-26 12:07:31qTyped by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:07:35Typed by user dennysellson in Dictionary at 2012-04-26 12:07:38qTyped by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:07:39Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:07:46Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:07:58Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:07:59http:cveditkeylogger.htmleditkeylogger.htmlrecordingrecordingcvbookshelfbookshelfsQuestion Nccv , Penn Engl Dept,  [DSS 2012] Submission,Daniel Scott Snelson 4.26.2012s Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:11:40anncharaljenanTyped by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:12:05Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:12:07Field Exam Submission ContentsDear Charles, Al, Jean-Michel, and Ann Marie,I'm  am pleased to present my submission for the field exam. Typed by user dennysellson in Microsoft Word at 2012-04-26 12:12:43waasDSnelson_Field-Exam-Question-1_20120_0_FinalTyped by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:14:06Typed by user dennysellson in Skim at 2012-04-26 12:14:24wwwwTyped by user dennysellson in FileZilla at 2012-04-26 12:14:32ac Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:14:37Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:14:44There are several appendicieses which are too large to attached. I have thus provided, and located in on several platforms a contantents map here.below.Thank youI'm very much looking forward to discussing the examthis our discussion in May.Thank you,Danny Thank you all Thank you all for you help and support along with way, and time , along with thezzz!x vAll my best very best: :Daniel Scott SnelsonField ExaminationPenn English DepartmentBernstein, Filreis, Rabate4.26.2012bContentsQuestion N1: http:bAbAppendix N1:Question N2:Apppendix III:bII:cvvnbwIV Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:19:14Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:19:16Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 12:19:21acTyped by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:19:24v cvbdatabbdtatabase.htmlc v Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:19:57Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:20:01c r Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:20:05Typed by user dennysellson in Finder at 2012-04-26 12:20:07Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:20:14vb  Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:20:32c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:20:34v Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:20:43c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:20:45vbcv Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:21:03c Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:21:07c vbookshelfbBest Read in Orderof AppearanceScripted foringcinationboth dispersed acrossrww Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:24:49field-exam/cvs Typed by user dennysellson in Firefox at 2012-04-26 12:25:02r Typed by user dennysellson in TextWrangler at 2012-04-26 12:25:13cvv s