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Look at the way technological advancements have deemed certain content unworthy. “The contemporary hierarchy of images” as mentioned by Steyerl, has created a certain standard that is expected to be upheld with creative content. Steyerl mentions the effects of newer technologies in relation to the expections, “The rich image established its own set of hierarchies, with new technologies offering more and more possibilities to creatively degrade it,” which interferes with the satisfaction of viewing a work. She also mentions a kind of marginalization going on in the artistic realm, “The cult of film gauge dominated even independent film production.” As long as this rejection of the “poor image” exists, the more limitations are being placed on films, photographs, and electronic content. If something is not of the highest quality to date, it will be deemed as inadequate or unworthy. Being able to take part in Thursday’s call assignment of putting poor images together and sharing them, it was interesting to see how we were all able to create art out of images and content that, individually, would have been seen as trash. It is also interesting how we intentionally searched for poor quality images, while everyone else typically looks for the best quality image to include in their creations and social media pages.


An example of a good image to a poor image. Poor images are rarely sought after in an age where we want the highest quality of things, but it's fascinating that some people purposely put time and effort to make these so called poor images.