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It’s an interesting concept, the idea of rich versus poor media. I didn’t quite understand the introductory paragraph of the piece by Paul Soulellis, mostly due to the abstract nature of the words and sentence structure. After some thought, I took the paragraph to mean this: poor media is the wread (past) work of someone else or a former self in which the meanings and contexts have been manipulated, whereas rich media is precisely constructed and executed with a very specific intention that it retains upon its presentation. Rich media exists to evoke emotion from the readers whereas poor media appears to exist to present the emotion of the writer or wreader. Rich media is also highly interactive and constructed in an engaging way (see Soulellis article), often in the ways we see modern advertisements presented to us. It’s also important that we bring up the nature of the content and construction of both rich and poor media. While rich media must follow a set of general rules for success in the public sphere, poor media has the freedom to become whatever it wants, because its intention is not to please the reader (is the commercial limits of rich media would constrain). ~LCS