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a book.

a book with images.

a book with poor images.

a book with poor images that don't make sense.

 a book with poor images that don't make sense unless one understands the obscure references.

a book with poor images that don't make sense unless one understands the obscure references because the wide accessibility of the internet has allowed for niche content to thrive and reach intended audiences, interestingly enough.

or perhaps a pdf.

a pdf with words.

a pdf with words from essays.

a pdf with words from essays that relate to the class.

 a pdf with wreaded words from essays that relate to the class even if also possibly not.

a pdf with wreaded words from essays taken from the syllabus and deformed into something new entirely, much like we've done previously in class.

a game.

a video game.

a video game of moving images.

a video game of moving images that are actually words.

 a video game of interactive gifs.

a video game of moving images that are actually words and together make a word, but are really neither.

a social media.

a social media account with a concept.

 a conceptual social media account that is interesting.

a conceptual social media account that is interesting and a bot but also interesting because it follows a particularly fascinating pattern while also using the social media platform in an odd way.

a word.

a word document composed of words.

a word document composed of words that make an essay.

 a boring essay on Microsoft Word, perhaps. If nothing else comes to mind.
