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Trying (adj.) : to put to a severe test; subject to strain, as of endurance, patience, affliction, or trouble; tax. Trying (v.) : attempting to do or accomplish.

I am TRYING to stay focused but with two weeks left, my mind and body are struggling. I am TRYING to remain motivated, but Senioritis is kicking my butt. I am also TRYING to formulate an argument for my Final Project, but I am stumped.

While I was driving home for Thanksgiving break, I noticed some major differences between the billboards in LA and the billboards in my hometown. I sort of had a "post-digital moment" and started to frantically snap every billboard I saw (while driving.) The results were blurry, fleeting images -- which had me thinking about post-digital consumerism. Why did the advertiser choose a large board as their platform? The form of a "billboard" is post-digital and post-internet in itself, however the "essence" of a billboard is as well. Billboards are intrinsically post-digital as they combine social and physical communication to make an argument about society. They also acknowledge the collective, the individual, time and space, as well as visual and auditory space. With this, I would like to manipulate the billboard form by making it more permanent. Basically, I am defying the purpose of the billboard. I am hoping to create some sort of portfolio (either through Instagram or a physical catalogue) of the advertisements and use the captions to highlight some differences in culture.