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The piece titled "Darkness (chapter 1)" is an electronic form of literature in which Yedda Morrison re-animates the text of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness". Yedda highlights the words that describe images of nigh time wilderness. This is the story of which the background takes center stage as opposed to the man in the wilderness, we are left with a story of the wilderness itself. The author does a good job of highlighting the key phrases in which make up the dark forrest. The word DARKNESS is appropriately the only word kept from the original title. This is something that I have never come across before and it certainly goes outside of the realm of normal literature. In a sense Yedda has taken the work of one author and cut out everything around the storyline except for the setting, the setting in which is not the focal point of the storyline. One of the words which took me awhile to comprehend as to why it was chosen was the word GLITTER. It seems as this word does not go hand and hand with the rest of the words and phrases highlighted, however it seems even in the cold and dark night, we are still able to see specs of light, whether that be the moonlight shine upon the river or the fire flies amongst the night.

See Also[edit]