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11 year-old asks why someone made a real life version of the save button.

Twitter has decided to change the word limit from 140 to 280 & everyone's freaking out. Which, of course, I don't entirely understand. I mean,

there's obvious criticism that those who are horrible & use the platform negatively will have more power, but ultimately it's not that true?

Because really, when considering matters, users can always just go & post two tweets in a thread & get a similar effect? So, I don't really

understand why everyone's freaking out. Another complaint is that it'll make the website harder to navigate, but not really. Has everyone on

twitter become so lazy that the idea of reading a tweet that's the size of two tweets genuinely makes people go on embarrassing rage rants?

There are plenty of positive aspects to having this change, such as the space for more creativity & the fact that people will no longer have

to sacrifice grammar for the sake of fitting everything in a single tweet anymore, which I love. After going through some conceptual twitter

accounts & seeing how differently people choose to use twitter, I’m quite excited to see what will happen once everyone does have access to

this new feature. I have a friend that swore he will start tweeting the Bee Movie script in 280 word tweets (someone did before in 2014 but

they were by lines rather than by the 140-word limit [1]). I told him that he was an idiot, but I will probably still follow the account if

he ends up doing it. Although, I truly wish people would just ban that awful movie already, please. But anyways, as for those people who

are raging, I do understand that sometimes change can be a bit unsettling, especially because humans like familiarity & dislike pushing the

boundaries unless necessary. But the fact that idiots are choosing to focus so strongly on this when there are much more important issues to

rage about, even within the platform itself, is quite bizarre. But then again, people always choose to focus on the things that don’t matter

even though they shouldn’t. But hey, if they didn't care before then it's no wonder they still don't care. They're too busy raging at Jack.

The new features will be hard to get used to for some but everyone will still be there, still tweeting on the daily, at the end of the day.