[Releases forthcoming summer 2024] IRL.OBJ is a monthly publishing platform based in LA, launching one freely available digital object alongside a correspondent material artifact for purchase. In response to currents that seek to produce value for digital works via identifiers built into contractual blockchain encryption, IRL.OBJ instead aims to produce value via attendant “real” objects: things you can hold, or wear, or place on a shelf. Each freely available digital object published by IRL.OBJ will be accompanied by a real-world material artifact — designed in collaboration with our team of editors. 100% of the profits of these material artifacts will go to published creators. This hybrid publishing system aims to develop new ways to pay creators of digital works beyond models built on artificial scarcity, advertising dollars, or monthly patronage. Fandom talisman, collectible rarity, dangerous supplement: these material objects will be issued in variable editions, subject to the contingent demands of the work in question. We seek works that break genres, that invent novel forms, that challenge category. — Danny Snelson & Michael Luo, 2024 | Releases forthcoming at IRL.OBJ |