How accustomed I am to reading

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Ciento: 100 100-Word Love Poems by Lorna Dee Cervantes

100 Words To A Pixellated & Pixilated You

If 100 words is all it takes to write me back to you, I say, bring on the fractures, new fissures, the tiny breaks in the heart, all the on and off in the mathematics of we two--wee bits of light catching the fold. I say, say it simple, keep it close to chest. One switch puts it all in play--this television drama splicing us together or apart. I say, this spring season watch all the episodes with me. Dance across the screen. Let me knead you to your final conclusion. Let's laugh, a fractal imagining, and love.

If 10x10 expressions is all it takes to inscribe myself, return to you, I say, carry forth the rupture, unfamiliar cracks, infinitesimal schisms in my nature, total dis- continuity between our patterns and figures--minuscule slivers of luminosity taking the bend. Declaring, disclose candidly, retain it near the reliquary. Single reversal sets it in motion-- this small screen tragedy grafting us, intertwined or separate. Declaring, during this renewal, absorb all installments together. Sway beyond the veil. Allow me to mold you to your eventual outcome. Allow us to howl, a curved vision, and devotion.